VW miles = dog years

When they retire, and if Amazon decides to replace them rather than just cancel the show, chemistry needs to be the first priority for a new set of hosts, even ahead of presentation and driving skills. I know that’s extremely subjective and difficult to identify prior to actual filming, and I have no idea how TV

Completely off-topic: do those planes in the background have two turboprops in pusher configuration? Is Canada that weird, or am I seeing things?


I can assure you that thirty years later the majority of boaters nationwide have no business being on the water.

This reminds me of the snow-induced vehicular failings of Pittsburgh back in the day: (1) buy beer, (2) find a hill with a major road running up it, (3) enjoy beer while watching the inevitable failure of countless timid midwestern drivers trying to creep up a massive hill in the snow.

I’ve always wondered if the reason the cones one must parallel park between during a driver’s license test are a mile apart is because nearly all cars used to be roughly a mile long. I hope so: any reason is better than no reason for such an absurdly easy test.

What’s the ratio on this?

Define “unemployment,” then (it’s simple and easy to find); tell us, when did the definition change? Sources, preferably federal agency regulations themselves or established media, or I was hoping you would tell us if wearing a tinfoil hat 24/7 chafes as bad as one would imagine? Do you really think Wall Street and

Is it not also ludicrous to suggest that the person with the most votes is not the winner of an election? In a representative government, it’s logical that the places with the most people have more voting power, since voting power is vested in people, not land. I understand that when you’re in the middle of Kansas

Remember 2008? Now we’re nearing full employment...

The rail industry is pretty conservative, to the best of my knowledge, so they may be holding out for a sure-fire solution that they can be absolutely sure will be more efficient and more reliable than what they currently have. Also, the thing that makes a turbine practical in this application is cutting-edge battery

There are some people out there that are so inept that they have to enter a destination in their GPS for mundane local trips, which is a whole other issue. These are also the people that need electronics to tell them they’re fat.

I can’t comprehend that people can’t understand “right foot go, left foot stop,” or other mechanical necessities for that matter. Were people always this dumb? I know they freeze up because they’re afraid and can’t think rationally, but it’s not like they’re being asked to solve a Rubik’s Cube while doing laps.

If the Agnellis et al. are looking for a relatively austere, practical, cocaine-free heir with an interest in cars and Italy, I am available, amongst other Jalops.

Time to put on the tinfoil hat and make broad generalizations...

It would be helpful if automatic transmissions sucked across the board like they did in the ‘90's, and by that I mean “sufficient at best.” The arrival of 5+ speed automatics and dual-clutch boxes hasn’t done the manual any favors, as these are good enough to make inroads even amongst enthusiasts. Still makes me sad

Looks perfect for traversing Starbucks parking lots.

Not to be confused with “eunuch-horny,” which, of course, only leads to further confusion.

Nothing is bad about it, but the kind of jobs that the Trump constituency wants (relatively high-paying, low skill manufacturing jobs, and lots of them) simply are not coming back when you can pay someone overseas a fraction of the cost of an American worker to make a product that will be sold internationally.

I believe that’s called a trade agreement. We already have those.