
I don’t even believe in the death penalty and I’d love to see this guy die for this. I realize he only downloaded the pictures, but these poor kids are victimized over and over again as the pictures of their rape are circulated for years and he feeds the demand for this shit. At least lock him up and throw away the

I was excused from jury duty once for this very reason. The defendant walked into the courtroom before we heard any details of the case. I took one look at him and thought, “Child molester.” Turns out, that was exactly what he was being tried for.

his sizeable collection of illegal child pornography on his own children.

I saw the picture before I saw the headline and thought “child pornographer, for sure”. Nailed it.

Wow. Just when you thought pedophiles couldn't set the bar any lower. Way to go, sicko.

An officer discharged his weapon and struck the suspect.” Could you possibly state that with any less connection between cause and effect? It’s like they were totally surprised at the results of shooting a gun at someone.

To all you bigots saying he deserved it:

I’m pulling for “Widdershins West”

It’s safe to assume this never would’ve happened with a player from Anglo State.

Which eye?

I dunno...being compared to Madonna is a compliment. I don’t have a VF subscription so I couldn’t read the full quote. I like Taytay, but she has a rather thin skin.

Easton is such a cute name but combined with the last name West, it is an invitation to scary tween bullies.

So, can we expect a Madonna/Taylor Swift kiss at the next VMAs? Also, I do think that Tay has the emotional maturity of a 15 year old at times. This is one of those times.

I don't remember what I got for my 18th birthday. I'll assume it involved cake, pizza, and a trip to the movies. I might have gotten money to spend on books or movies. I think I had a good time.

I didn’t “discover” the Gita until I was in my 40’s so you’re kind of lucky?

The lawsuit also claims that after Brown’s overdose, Gordon placed her face-down in the tub. Us Weekly reports: “According to the lawsuit, she was unconscious, her mouth was swollen, and she had teeth hanging loosely from her mouth reportedly from Gordon’s punches.” No criminal charges have been filed against Gordon.

I like the way Nathan Fillion thinks. But I’m a big fan of “Fun with Ringtones”

My sister and I were just saying that if we were guys we’d probably get our dicks stuck in things in a non sexual way just to see if they fit.

Yoko won’t be stopped until the very fabric of reality is subverted. You gotta hand it to her, this is one of the longest trolls in the history of the universe.