
On about half the days, my product use is minimal (face wash, moisturizer, zit cream) but about half the time, I go all out. I’m happy either way.

I flove blue mascara. I’m currently wearing the hell out of They’re Real in blue.

Yes to everything. It hasn’t aged well.


Yeah, but no. It had some clever bits. I liked that scene where they are waiting in line at the movies, but the rest of it, watching it recently, made me think he was a giant baby. It seemed like he really hated Annie Hall/Diane Keaton. A big problem in their relationship seemed to be that he didn’t feel she was smart

Wait. Kristen Stewart is not broke. She isn’t starving and eating Top Ramen 3 meals a day. She has money. She can turn down movies that include people with whom she has an ethical/moral split if she wants to. Obviously, she doesn’t want to, or she doesn’t believe there is an ethical/moral dilemma.

I think sexual exploitation is so par for the course in the industry that a sincere effort to avoid working with those who have engaged in it would ultimately mean not working at all.

I love you for the Dali stilt reference. I seriously admire his work and the way he broke down the world, and I completely and totally agree with your statement. Woody has made the same movie like a million times. Why is this groundbreaking? Why, why, why? And it’s not even a good or interesting film, at that.

But does one chuck her morals to do so? Do you hear about Bill Cosby drugging all these women and still go to the Playboy mansion with him because he is Bill Cosby? I wouldn’t. Not because I would be afraid of him, but because we as women should champion each other in the face of people like Woody Allen. That’s all

Allen has far more misses than hits, particularly in the last couple of decades, so it often isn’t the great opportunity working with him seems like.

I honestly can’t believe people are questioning the ethics of turning down a Woody Allen movie.

One of the things that gives me hope is that I know Emma Thompson also signed that petition supporting Polanski. And when a she was approached by a university student in the UK who gave her more information about the Polanski case and gently asked her to reconsider her position, she—being the excellent person that she

Honestly, I doubt many artists who would have collaborated with James Brown cared about his woman beating, either. I’m probably being overly cynical about both.


I’m sorry, but this is extremely cut and dried. I’m not a professional actor, but I have turned down a job making $75k more than I am now because of this kind of shit. That isn’t millions, but it millions on my level.

I’ve never been impressed with his work (and it’s not just because he’s creepy, I think Polanski is a master filmmaker), most of his women characters are shrews, sticks in the mud, or variations on the “manic pixie dream girl.”

Woody Allen is one of the greatest filmmakers America has ever produced, and we are going to be talking about people are going to be talking about Woody’s films for a long, long time.

This? This is nothing in comparison to learning that Kate Winslet is a Roman Polanski supporter. That’s the fucking heartbreak motherlode.

I see where you’re coming from, but a simple “I can’t due to scheduling conflicts” via an agent would more than suffice, I would assume. I think these folks just genuinely want to be in a Woody Allen film more than they give a shit about his alleged history with girls and barely legal daughters of his long-time

I used very few products, but I enjoy reading these diaries. It blows my mind how much effort people expend. I just couldn’t do it, I’d get bored or annoyed or too damn perfectionistic. Which may explain my minimalism: less to get anxious about doing wrong/not doing.