
You gotta remember that the idea of a loving God is a very modern one. Most religions historically were about explaining why the world seemed to be out to get you. And the God of the Old Testament was decidedly non-chill.

Good heavens, I have had some really awkward ‘I think we really have something together’ conversations, but that might be the best.

This. Oh jeez this. Like when I complimented a woman on her car (it was a very cool car, I like cars) and she smirked and asked me if I wanted a ride.

And I said “Oh, no. I’m just walking, it’s not even a block.”

She looked stunned, and it didn’t click in my stupid head for like a month.

must’ve been Amish for real, ‘;cause everyone knows that possession of a can of Coke Zero means “run the other way, dude!”

normally i would dismiss this shite.
but honestly ty for proving my point and amusing me.

anyone else want to play?
i hesitate to ungrey trash like this in other people’s threads because it’s not very polite to inflict nonsense on people who want to have a serious discussion, but this is my thread! i can

Even when you’re straight forward signals get confused. I’ve always been straight forward and during my twenties asked out well into the three figures of men...I honestly lost count when I was probably 24. Only 3 said yes, 1 of them gave me a wrong number, 1 stood me up, and 1 said he changed his mind.

Seriously. I feel like I need to get a cocktail before reading the comments on a Tracy post. BRB, getting another vodka...

Yep. I’ve been described in several occasions as being ‘curt’ and on several more as being ‘a bitch’. The reality is that I’m very short and neutral when dealing with people because I don’t want them thinking I want to take my clothes off. Hell, even then I’ve been told I’m playing ‘hard to get’ and that I shouldn’t

Maybe I’d not expressed myself clearly (English isn’t my native language). I meant, since it’s a bad thing that men in general don’t get the right cues from women, it’s a small consolation that this cluelessness isn’t only towards women.

And this, right here, is why I’m not anything more than polite (unless it’s someone I’m interested in.) Guys take it the wrong way. Then again, they sometimes take politeness the wrong way, too. It’s like we can’t win.

If it’s some sort of consolation, men are terrible at picking ANY cues. I’m a heterosexual guy. Once I got to pick my lesbian daughter from a LGBT nightclub. While I was waiting for her saying good bye to friends, a guy approached me and started to chit-chat. I thought not of it, and it was a pleasant talk. Then the

Just yesterday, I was at the corner store buying my standard migraine hangover cure: giant ass Coke Zero and some salt-and-vinegar potato chips. I had messed up hair, sunglasses deployed, ratty-ass clothes, and Kid Electron in tow, because it’s just not a migraine hangover without a three-year-old asking for Skittles

Catch up to Canada and Western Europe, you mean? Cause equal marriage has been around a lot longer in both places than in the US, and Canada, at least has charter protections for sexuality, which the US most certainly does not.

What the hell are you talking about? Israel is REMARKABLY left wing in terms of GLBT rights and women’s rights. It’s a pretty progressive nation that actively advertises it’s GLBT friendliness to draw in tourism dollars even. It’s women are given all the same military responsibilities as men, unlike the United States.

You may want to educate yourself on Israel, before you refer to things happening “over there,” and profess that you’re proud to live in America.

...dude check the law before commenting.

I guess if you think an all-powerful murderer exists, you’ll want to avoid getting on its bad side.

you know what i bet offends residents?

Netanyahu knows all about despicable hate crimes. He commits them every day.