
As most restaurants have some sort of theme or shtick linked to them the odds of one with rude waiters is as good as any other.

I’m just surprised they let fired hosts go on the air after they found out about it, remember how Arsenio Hall trashed his set for the last shows?

Have you tried one of those cleaners with Oxy in their name?

Amen. Don't be fooled into wasting your money, it tastes like medicine at all price points. I suspect those who disagree have burnt their taste buds beyond repair but as one twice your age but with an undamaged sense of taste, fresh fruit juice, tea, coffee and cocoa and water beat any alcohol. I'll drink a few sips

That's actually a myth. The only family that inter-bred presumably to keep control in limited hands were thr ruling family and even then genetic tests have only shown two instances of this behaviour in a few centuries of lineage.

Hey, we have the same weird combo of small ribcage and mega- breasts.Twinsies! ( or should I say quadruplets?)

They find one Impaler in your family and suddenly they imply that you learned how to count with bodies.

I wonder if someone can tell me why the statute of limitation applies to all Cosby’s rapes, didn’t that legal loophole get put in place in the 80s? A good many of these crimes occured long before then, aren’t people judged by the laws that existed when they comitted their crime? Isn’t that why even when laws get

As we speak you can bet there are hundreds of Hollywood bigwigs who have done the same before,alongside and after him who are sleeping soundly with the knowledge that their victims will still stay quiet because even now those women haven’t gotten justice and that’s what would motivate women to denounce them.

Glow in the dark paint doesn't come in all that many colors though, Yoko.

Shouldn’t Allred have already launched a civil suit by now? Surely there’s no statute of liitations on that. I fear that unless she gets a move on and gets some assets frozen he’ll put it all in trust or send it to some haven and these women will never get compensated for what he put them through.

I firmly believe that every rapist is a multiple offender. If one quarter of women are assaulted to some degree, one quarter of men certainly aren’t rapists so each one we do hear of probably has as many victims as Cosby if they aren’t caught until they’re old.

Hell no! Lots of people die horrible deaths without deserving to. I hope he lives a long life in infamy. I hope that his disgrace lasts as long as his illustrious career did.

I always marvel at the fact that Americans don’ t realize that both Republicans and Democrats are to the right and nowhere near the center. Even people like Preston Manning in Canada would be seen as socialists in the US compared to the most left wing Democrat.

True, but the level of vanity in those people stops them from having a disease that should make you bald. Faking some non-aesthetically challenging illness like Lyme disease though, that I wouldn't put past them.

Not sure why she said she was humiliated. She was in Paris Match gloating about it and saying it added up to over 250,000$ a year. She was in Paris for fashion week (to ”get paid” I’m assuming).

I saw a pic of him in military school( he was prob. 15-16yo) and he already had that style minus the spray so...

That's the irony in parenting, the more loving the parent the more you outgrow their control, the less loving they are the more under their thumb you remain.

This win is not the big deal it would be in the US.

Kinja seems to have stolen my reply: