
It’s not about you, in other words. For example,long before I was comfortable around gay people I firmly believed in their rights but my friends kept saying they should come as society became more accepting.Wrong. Human rights are above society’s need for comfort. You can think what you want behind closed doors but in

Pretty sure Spanx could do the job.

Oh Bette, that's so "get off my lawn" of you. Plus, he made you look so...

Ugh, that damsel-in-no-distress, glad she's off in the sunset for any other sequels. I like Keira, I think she's charming and all that but I'm not enamored with her acting.

This is only the first chapter. If I recall correctly the Klan's popularity suffered a steep decline after it was infiltrated by men who later revealed all their ridiculous crap like weird titles and handshakes. Maybe Atticus is tired of reasoning with these assholes and just wants them shamed into keeping their views

Ah, thanks for the info. I remember the character but didn't connect it with her.

Please, today’s senior is yesterday’s hippie. If anything is confusing them it’s the lifetime of recreational drug use catching up...or they're trolling you young 'uns.

Who is she in those movies?

Honey Ryder carried a knife in her bikini (Dr.No) I thought this might be a similar concept.

Me too!It would be so awesome with those garden party gowns women are into again. Steel Magnolia for a new age.

I read the headline as Saldana being hired for how she held a gun “in” her panties and thought she sure trashed someone’s casting couch expectations. But alas...

Come on, Kara. If Serena doesn’t give her opponents something to look forward to she’ll be playing against walls.Now, Maria knows she owns a tennis outfit touched by a legendary player.

I don’t feel that science defines life as beginning at conception but rather at the point of independant existence or completion of the process. No scientist calls an acorn an oak tree, or freshly crushed grape juice wine even though all the cellular material to do so is already there. So much can go wrong on the way

Never met anti-choice guy I'd bed much less procreate with. Their desperate need to control women tells me they know most women share my opinion.

The only way self-tanner abuse makes you a motley crew is if you miss a spot Kathie Lee.

Probably only to write "someone" a cheque for lodging the complaint that revealed she's not Photoshopped,she really looks that good.

Well, realtors often mention the price of the winning offer. If a non- white bidder sees the property sold for less than their offer they must be able to report that to whatever government office deals with this in their area. Though aside from getting the seller’s realtor in trouble for doing the racist seller’s

Ah but won't you think of the children? Non-white neighbors bring their non-white children who go to the lily-white school and next thing you know white kids get strange ideas like we're all equal and why can't I marry the best spouse for me regardless of race. Out of sight, out of mind is what those racists secretly

In truth they're just being "punished" for not being particularly talented. Sure you can act or write for 8 seasons and live off that because of the residuals but that was a hell of a crap shoot. Cosby gave them jobs they got work plus residuals for that work for 20 years and nothing was stopping them from using that

Ah, good then.