
Climate Change ergo science IS about technology. The republican deniers have interjected themselves as part of the discussion. Therefore Gizmodo has every right nay obligation to include them in this piece. I wish they'd call them out more often. The republican tea party is fast tracking our country and our world

The facts are clear. If you're concerned about HPV, get vaccinated. Also, no national or international medical association recommends routine circumcision. More over, circumcision does not prevent HIV infection, condoms do. Neither vaccines or condoms require forced non-therapeutic cosmetic genital surgery that

If all your saying is "vilifying circumcision represents an uninformed, non-open-minded position", then you couldn't be more wrong. Here's some more peer reviewed, well informed information for you:

The facts are clear. If you're concerned about HPV, get vaccinated. Also, no national or international medical association recommends routine circumcision. More over, circumcision does not prevent HIV infection, condoms do. Neither vaccines or condoms require forced non-therapeutic cosmetic genital surgery that

I think it would be more than lost on this one.

Looks like I offended the fan boys with my "stupid comment". Gosh I'm so stupid for pointing out the truth. What are you 12? Name calling? Seriously?

This is completely conjecture. If you're concerned about HPV there are now at least 3 different vaccines on the market. You do not need to force baby boys to have elective cosmetic genital surgery without their permission. His body, his choice. If you chopped off a part of a baby girls genitals in the name of

I don't think eitsuop was talking about her face.

11. Do stuff with Flash*. *Flash may* diminish you battery life. *May = will. Save your bones.

This may be old news, but I dream of the day when the Korg iMS-20 app was only $16. It's now $32.99. Please update.

My wife and I have been using Fring to video chat on our iPhone 4's over 3G for a month or so now.

I'm guessing that most of the negative commenters don't have a clue how our bicameral legislature functions and have never heard of the previously mentioned commerce clause.

@CraigJW: Any proof of said catastrophe?

I'm glad I'm not the only one with this issue.

Of course they knew. That's why the rear quarter of the original iPhone was plastic and not aluminum. If it was an all metal backing we woulda heard about this 3 years ago.

Of course they knew about it. Why do you think the rear quarter of the very first iPhone was plastic, while the rest of the back was aluminum.