Oh yeah... you could post messages on people’s profiles and have a semblance of a public conversation, and you could upload pics and people could comment on them (I can’t remember if it had thumbs up or likes tho)
Oh yeah... you could post messages on people’s profiles and have a semblance of a public conversation, and you could upload pics and people could comment on them (I can’t remember if it had thumbs up or likes tho)
I see why you’re still in the greys.
Yeah I think it’s best not to :(
Yeah, exactly!
To each their own :)
Gross is an understatement......
Here’s hoping! :)
I worried she might end up in rehab or stuff like that, but ever since she broke out of her shell/Disney persona and found a style that fits her, I think she’s started to do pretty well. All I can say right now is rock on, girl :D
Ew :|
YEAH OK so I suck at remembering names for stuff :c
That is great!!
True, true. Breaking Wrecking Ball is pretty dope tho.
Miley why are you making me like you, GRRR
YES YES YES A THOUSAND TIMES YES. <3 I love Alex. I get a ladyboner every time I see her on screen.
why is that gif so tiny :(
oh man that is so painful to read but it’s so true
Yeah but from my understanding, grayscale is pretty painful and once your skin is covered up, it spreads to your organs, eventually your brain (making you go crazy) and then you die. And also the disease is transmitted very easily... so :/ half dragon, half pain and death. No fun :( But I’m sure they’ll conveniently…
But does Dany have grayscale now??? Did she give it to Missandei??? I must know!