Thank you. I shall practice this trick in the future.
Thank you. I shall practice this trick in the future.
I am really a lot more interested in how she's able to do that sexy purse thing with her lips when she poses for pics. I always look incredibly stupid when I try it.
Oh, I see! Thanks for the info! It's too bad though, because I live in Eastern Europe, it would be waaaaaaaayyy to expensive to buy something from Modcloth (just thinking about the shipping and customs costs makes me sad).
I really, REALLY loved her red dress and I spent a lot of time trying to find one to buy for myself after the show came out (mission failed). So that's the only part I miss about the old intro.
I think that's one way to look at it, though I was telling you my personal view, not that of the article, and I think my opinion is pretty easy to support what with the abundance of non-verbal cues at key moments in the video and the elements of the story itself . Since the author of the video does not state his…
I think the point of the video is to show how young male teenagers can also be raped and how peer pressure and stereotypes teach him that he should feel good about it, not that some teenagers are mature enough to have intercourse but are prevented to do so by the law.
What is it with the weird lede? It says something about pregnant and it makes no sense :-s
I honestly didn't know testimony could be evidence, but I always believed the women over his pathetic ass. I think maybe the prosecution could haave a stronger case now if they can get the videos. I also read another feminist blog and the author was very angry with this whole "Jian uses BDSM to justify being a violent…
Thank you for the quote!
Also, what a fucking liar asshole. Not to mention, stupid. First he claims that his personal life should affect his job and how his higher ups treat him, but then it turns out that he showed them his nasty sex tapes.
Can those videos be used to charge him of assault (or whatever charges are applicable)? Because I really want justice for those women.
Oh my gosh, Tara Jacoby, I wish I could visit you and learn your secrets! I LOVE the James Franco and Barack Obama illustrations, they are HILARIOUS. <3
K, I'm just gonna go make sure my door and windows are locked before reading this. Also gonna call my boyfriend to tell him I love him and my parents, too, just in case.
So... what is your point?
I already hate people two years younger than me, I am ready to be 23! Yay!
I hate them, too. Last time I got drunk was well over a year ago (maybe even two years? I can't even remember), but I used to live next to a group of guys that got drunk almost every night. Nice stereotyping there though.
Look, I'm just 21 and childfree, so I may not understand some stuff, but I fuckin hate screaming babies and children in public places. It just ruins everything for everyone there.
Didn't Bill Maher make a whole documentary about how ALL religions suck (Religulous)? Though I guess he's more focused on Islamophobia nowadays.
Yeah, I wish they'd included a section about how he's also perpetuating extremely sexist world views (how he's equating Islam with feminine, then feminine = inherently bad), but alas. I guess his sexism is very hard to miss.
How does that even work, I can't even—