
For my first few months at college, I lived in an all-girls dorm with communal bathrooms. Using the toilet was disgusting. There was this one person that never fuckin managed to shit in the fuckin toilet. She either shat on the toilet seat or somehow splattered it on the entire toilet, sometimes it was even splattered

Oh my god that was excruciatingly painful to read. The hairy hymen one especially, what the actual fuck.

Are you sarcastic or...? I will modify my statement then: Like somebody else on here said, dating is not a democracy, nobody has to give anybody equal chances. I am a woman & have also rejected men I didn't find physically attractive, including for being overweight. The things you mentioned are mostly cultural I

I remember reading the comments on some article (on another site, but I can't remember which one, sigh) and there were a lot of men complaining that women discriminate against short men because they usually don't want to date men who are shorter than they are. I think that was one of the stupidest things I have ever

Sometimes prejudice is so ingrained, you don't even realize it when you're judging other people.

Brad Pitt is 50?! How the hell does he look so young?! Wow, the more you learn. But does anyone question Angelina? I think she must be around 40 as well.

I've been thinking about this, and I have come to the following conclusions. If I were incredibly rich, with my own successful business, 1) I would not give a shit about other people either and 2) If I were to become accidentally pregnant, I think I'd have the kid. I mean, in my current circumstances I would never

Dasha Polanco you are so pretty!!! When is OINTB back?! I need it to survive!

I've also had a few young (they sounded young) guys call me on my cell and be like "Hey, is this XYZ's phone?". I'd say "No, sorry" and prepare to hang up, but then they'd be all like "HEY HEY, wait up! What's your name, hey? Where you from? ;)" Ughhhhhh. One of them even kept texting me a while afterwards, telling me

Oh man, I really get you. Apparently our home landline number is very similar to some companies' and/or other people's numbers. Lots of people would call saying "Is this the <name> company?" or "Is this the XYZ family?", I'd say "No, sorry, wrong number", and then they'd be all like "BUT I THOUGHT THIS WAS THE

I actually enjoy sprinkling dried hot peppers in my soups. But you usually have to be careful with that. Case in point, one time I used both my hands in their entirety to break down the dried up peppers before eating my soup. I then decided to take a shower. First things first, so I started washing my cooch, using my

Lol this is fun to read an hour later. Apparently I have a propensity to forget lots of words in writing.

Awwwwww! I don't usually like Taylor Swift, the quotes about her friends are so cute awww. Her friends so awesome.

My thoughts exactly!

Wow, I never knew this was a problem! I'm glad though that this is happening, as a fellow woman.

Oh my god. That article is awful.

What the actual fuck? Why would people raise money for him?!

Oooh, I like me some vintage jewellery!

Ah, I see. That detail wasn't mentioned in the original article, that makes it more understandable. It is quite confusing, indeed. Why go to Spain if you seek treatment in the Czech Republic? And why take a child away from his parents? Obvs, I don't know much about European law, but for the sake of the child maybe

I don't get it... Why arrest the parents of the child when they take him out of the hospital? How does that even work?