
Her name ain't Queen B for nothing!

Well I don't take issue with it either, I guess I just meant to say they're not representative and/or may not appeal to everyone for that reason.

I used to dislike Beyonce, but in the recent year she has grown on me a LOT. I love how she can be so open about her sexuality in songs. I know they may be sorta heteronormative, but they speak to me as a straight girl in a long term relationship. Also she has a beautiful voice and she publicly calls herself a

Maybe he is the solution to Japan's grave natality crisis! Problem solved!
(I'm joking ofc)

That makes sense. Thanks!

Why would you need a stunt double for a bike fall on the grass? That seems... a bit too much.
Though I am looking forward to the new season.

Feministing also has a very good take on this. Unfortunately, the world is full, oh so very full, of rape apologists. It seems like we're never getting rid of them!

(From the link)
Transfer Agreement Ban

Don't forget to mention that "pro-lifers" spend a lot of time trying to kill/actually killing doctors who offer abortions. Fetuses: always more important than living human beings.

And I just happen to have two melons in my bra. It's not what you think!

Of course.

What the fu...

Nooooo! I love skinny jeans! They're like, one of the few fashion inventions I ever really liked! Please don't let get them out of fashion :(

Being eaten out is way better and orgasm-prone (like 99% success rate for me) than anything else. I am not surprised at all.

Well there are exceptions of course. I have a very strict aunt with the same mentality. I stayed with her for a week once when I was 11-12 and she would not let me go to the corner store (literally 2 houses away) or leave the house for any other reason without supervision. When I was 18, I had to stay with her again

Oh my god! The stress! I am glad he's okay now and thanks for the story, that is funny and scary at the same time.

Since my country is very influenced by US trends and whatnot, this is starting to catch on around here, too. I mean all the supervision and training them for success as early as possible. And I think it's really unfortunate because it steals away from your childhood, especially since (from my understanding) all this

My mom did this annoying thing where she'd call home from work and tell me to meet her at a certain hour at a certain place (usually somewhere close to home because I was little and also I live in a really small town). Then she'd forget to show up or be late like an hour. One time I started crying out of frustration

One time my grandparents went out to enjoy the snow with my mom, a baby at that time. They put her on a sled and went walking through the snow while towing the sled behind them. At some point they turned around and realized my mom was gone. They ran back and found her smiling in the snow. It's hilarious now to talk