
I’ll try the last twenty based on your recommendation.

The but maybe stuff I loved, he finessed it better.

I quit his special around the same time. He wouldn’t let go of his abortion bit, and it just wasn’t funny.

RIP darkness

Synonym for “Paid Suspension”.

yeah but they had reasons, preserving the human race and all that. Remember; the world only existed for a couple thousand years then. /s

I think the real question is : Can you dance to Christian Electronica Music?

Chemists in china will make anything you want.

Don’t cha think? I really do

Kinda shows why fair and equal treatment needs to be legislated.

Not so sure about that when the majority has contempt for the institutions they serve in.

I’m convinced his last name was originally Rasputin and that fucker never died in the river.

Cobra la, I spit up on that. Bravo! or COBRA LALALALALALALALALALALALALA

While my old ass got first aid teaching in like the 7th grade, none of my nieces or nephews who have graduated received any first aid training in school.

Putin should have his hand on the back of Donny boy’s head.

In that vein; why can’t I use my superior strength to pummel this nitwit into silence. Most assaults don’t end up in death, right?

Every day of the election proved that but it didn’t seem to matter in the end.

With all our zombie, end of the world content, I’m convinced they are preparing us. “Things are gonna get real shitty folks”

No; but I haven’t been buying funny books lately. I’ll check out a few issues on your recommendation. I was an every week guy for my whole life until like 3 years ago, then some crossover pissed me off. As usual.

I was early twenties whern this came out, and I havent called a woman a typical derogatory name (slut, whore) since this movie. I know; I’m a fucking saint. I learned from this movie not to critique/comment or concern myself with a woman’s prior sex life I was dating. We’re taught this shit, we don’t come with it for