Why would you write that when you could have written “Dick 4:69" instead? What a wasted opportunity.
He did it in front of the mirror so it was actually 61:3 nhoJ
Hernandez learned everything he knew about the Bible from Tim Tebow, which explains why his understanding of it was incomplete.
Jeez. Wrestling fan until the end.
The heartbreaking tragedy of Aaron Hernandez, as far as Belichek is concerned, is that he didn’t get a compensatory draft pick for losing him.
Suzy Welch: Rob Gronkowski.
I admire Pence for coming up with this common sense solution to a very real problem.
I don’t think that’s true. Didn’t I hear somewhere that Lee Harvey Oswalt played tight end for the Cowboys back in ‘61?
To be fair, a parade through the streets of Dallas is totally foreign territory for the Cowboys.
Uh... where did I say that? You sure kicked that straw man in the nads...
I’ve been to Iceland AND Wyoming.
Yeah but Dick Cheney has never lived in Iceland, so that’s HUGE factor in choosing it over Wyoming.
Not “too corrupt.” Not corrupt in the right ways; and with no connections to the owners of shit the Trumps want given to them.
There’s never a goddamn bathtub around when you need it the most.
Never has a Colon been so affected by two missed periods.
The most impressive part was watching Christie turn a 42-54-62 double play.