
Actually with poll data, voting history and scientific study we do. If all sides has used the same standards they had in the past, Bernie Sanders would have been our President. But with conservatives dealing with the end of the Baby Boomer age, and the DNC working tirelessly for Hillary, what happened was that we got

No, fucking No. Where the hell are the soldiers with jetpacks? Or the AntiGravity shuttles? Or even one measly robot? It’s the future and I was hoping they would finally pull out some of that cool stuff they fly over Area 51. :(

If only Anakin had remembered that. (ಥ﹏ಥ)

Haha, football is not a ‘real sport’. Grown men wearing tights and groping each other while fat men watch is entertainment, not a sport.

You remember how Bush?Cheney plunged us into that debt? And how Cheney stole BILLIONS from the American Taxpayer into his own company. Voting for those two put us into a Recession that Obama was trying to get us all out of. At least CoalMiner votes with his wallet, but you, you’re just stupid. 

HAHAHA, reading about spoiled children always makes my day better.

I don’t think he meant to be insulting to the trans community in such a way, I think he just wanted to point out Coulter’s obvious adam’s apple.

Screw you, fat-ass.

duh, I just saw the link.

And what is your new favorite?

Are you kidding? We are all going to have food printers in our homes in 10 years. McDonalds on Demand, McNuggets made fresh from pink mystery goo.

Are you kidding? We are all going to have food printers in our homes in 10 years. McDonalds on Demand, McNuggets

Please, your ‘brains’ have told you that your only choice is between a turd sandwich and a crap burger. You are so used to being abused by those in power when you actually have a chance to make the world better, you fight like a coward to stay a slave.

Nah, he lost any legitimate standing as a politician for bad mouthing Bernie and sucking up to Hillary. That was pathetic.

You forgot duplicitous

Fox Poll 5/18/16:

They changed the rules to help their candidate, it’s called corruption.

It means you are white people scared of a man that reaches out to all people no matter the color of their skin or size of their bank account. Time to face the facts, Hillary and her supporters are the face of lily-white Americans who think gay marriage is ok but poor people are ‘disgusting’. Good job, you just became

Are you serious?! Practically every Hillary supporter only gets their news from MSNBC and other TV networks. They have successfully barricaded themselves from any other point of views because they do not like the fact that they are the New Republican party.

Because the people voting for Hillary are Social Republicans, they don’t care for worker’s rights, poverty or decent healthcare. They are generally white, rich and cannot face the idea of change. They are not Progressives because while they are all for gay-rights, they do believe in the “I got mine” mentality of the

Trump is the racist, Hillary is the Republican and Bernie is the Progressive. Don’t you dare call yourself a liberal.