Ms. Maxine keeps all her receipts.
Ms. Maxine keeps all her receipts.
You could literally lists thousands of examples of Trump’s corruption and incompetence (just in the past year, forget trying to make a list over his lifetime, how much time do you have?). What’s Tomi got on Congresswoman Waters? Let’s see the list.
LOL you just KNOW Angela’s bout to say some shit. Just look at her hand in that still. On god, you know when a woman has her hand up like that she is about to bring the Holy Trinity to come down and rain fire on your ass.
Asians are not the victims of generations of Jim Crow level racism leveled at them. Let’s be real here.
All that whining over a trailer? If they find out about Luke Cage, heads will explode.
making the correction now, spellcheck is trying to kill me, it was “genteel.”
“She was a very gentile, lovely lady...” I didn’t know Muslims were Gentiles.
On one side are the police and their newly-recruited squad of Americops, mechanized policemen that have a history of targeting people of color.
Just reading her fantasy...did she think she was freaking Storm from the X-Men or something? WTF.
It’s so curious that these conspiracy hunters find themselves - the one time there does seem to be a genuine conspiracy going on - on the wrong side of it and refuse to believe it.
That’s a PTSD stare. To be fair, the Ivanka and Trudeau photo was pretty brutal.
Well the good new is Trump has shown time and time again he knows when to pull back on the controversial rhetoric when he has no clue what he is talking about, and never doubles down and gets himself into no win situations. Even then, he’s never been one to to be afraid to admit he’s made a mistake and make amends.…
Hardly hyperbolic - heard the recent news out of Chechen?
More like“I disagree with your existence, but pointing my true beliefs out to other people makes my performative niceness a lot more obvious.”
One of the most exhausting and frustrating things in the whole entire world is a privileged white person with oppressive political views getting bent out of shape because someone reasonably makes the logical connection from those political views to personal beliefs and calls her out on it.
I read way too many of these (up until “foxhead garlands”) before realizing this was satire.
the fact that no one got their guns taken away means nothing, of course. *rolls eyes*
Semantics but not a questions of “CAN” but “this is actually our daily routine”