
In a similar vein, it would’ve been pretty funny if “Dr. Oz” was a show about a charlatan somehow placed into a position of direct public influence and leveraging it to make specious claims designed entirely to enrich him without regard for the knock-on effects of his actions.

Judas looks really amazing. Top tier quality game here. It feels like the sequel to Bioshock Infinite but if too place far in the future in a science fiction world. The art design looks so good!

This website is going to be 24/7 Avatar clickbait for the next month, isn’t it.

As you are new to film history, let’s go over some quotes from your Cameron-doubting forebears. “Why make a sequel to Alien? The first one was great!“A sequel to that robot movie? Who asked for this?” “Who would want to see a movie about a hundred year old boat?

an Alex Ross painting of DC’s Justice League

This is my fault, guys. I wished for Wonder Woman 3 on the magic wishing stone and the wish is going wrong in annoying ways.

Have they tried slideshows?

One thing I like about Gunn, he doesn't let shit fester.

In honor of her, I have never watched Aeon Flux.

Phantasy Star 4 for the Genesis cost $99.  That is like a billion dollars in todays money

If they can turn a one-room play that’s mostly internal dialogue like Gerald’s Game into an excellent film, then I’m going to give them benefit of the doubt that third time with Dark Tower will be the charm.

Don’t Furry shame.

Go write for jezebel you mean turd

They should do a crossover with M3GAN and the little girl from The Orphan, and then one with her vs the vampire girl from Let the Right One in 

you post 100s of times on here about marvel movies lol

Despite having wide-open shots, characters would still completely miss the goal.

“The Game Awards AKA the annual reminder that everyone in the industry is dripless and dresses like shit.”

My go-to answer is Dolly Parton. Born to extreme poverty, now worth more than 600 million, and spends a huge portion of it helping folks from similar circumstances. 

The real question is if the porno parody is going to be called Xvxtxr: The Way or Water-sports or Assvatar: The Lay or Stepdaughter.

My favorite part is the bowl of combined leftovers that I always eat the next day. Turkey (dark meat), stuffing, mashed potato, sweet potato, Brussels sprouts, and a little gravy all heated up together.