Maybe...Although i have no desire to go back and test that theory. I am digging Billy Summers, tho, and his last few books have been pretty good.
Maybe...Although i have no desire to go back and test that theory. I am digging Billy Summers, tho, and his last few books have been pretty good.
Nice-although we always gotta pour one out for Sunsoft’s Batman
Take your star, brother!!!
Honestly, I would’ve preferred cosplay. I’ll give the author credit, they doubled down on the haters and made this article even more vacuous than the previous one. Hopefully they got some twitter “cred” or Gawker NFTs for the effort.
A whole article on this D-bag? Clicks are king.
Will you take me Randy?
Ok! I’m off to play video games! Support local wrassling and drag queens!
One need only look at the MASSIVE amount of XBOX series X/S resells on social media to confirm this. I have an XBOXONE and it’s Gamepass and old games here. Unless BG3 turns time and space on its head, Its my last console.
Ha$bro is a joke.
WW24-forty years later
Apparently this was the issue.
I just got chills
One does one’s humble best.
Marston is that you?
I bet Gunn’s read Hitman...hmmmm. make it happen HBO max
fox should have took a bump through the table.
the pic looks like a Costco...right down to the font.
Keurig owns Dr. Pepper? and they haven’t made Dr. P coffee pods yet? Wake up America!
Im actually surprised that Kinja doesn’t have an app yet. It’s brutal in Canada. Restaurants are opening and closing daily, there are wayyyyy too many shitty “upscale” franchises and our grocery stores are fighting in the streets (while making obscene profits). You know what’s really doing well in the food industry?…
These days, you can get both.