
Can we be ironic from now on or is that forbidden too? :P

Stop downloading hollywood porn movies or USA will send the Seal Team 6 after you!

it`s called football not soccer, nobody in Europe or Asia knows wtf is soccer

this would have been great for CowBoys, unfortunately too late invented

Your title is WRONG, Comcast DIDN`T HELP The Pirate Bay, they helped themselves

it`s 2011 and we can`t cure a virus YET, this shows how behind medical treatment is

i saw Oreos in a hypermarket few days ago for the first time but with so many others around this ones look too ordinary to buy so i didn`t buy any. i bought instead a 75% cocoa chocolate


when we will need a robot for president we will elect one - LIVE IS BETTER

i man aged to quit smoking using an electronic cigarette (not this model)

if it doesn`t work for Linux it`s crap

i happen to know few illegal immigrants who live in US for many years but they NEVER got anything FREE, everything they have is because they work for it, there is nothing free in USA

so what, is USA the world POLICE?

USA took him out for OIL, for other resources not for "mass destruction weapons"

very sad story...that boy`s his life is over before it started

I used a UK proxy to get a free account just to see what the hell is this Spotify

i`m in Europe, in the midle of it, and this Spotify thing is not available here

so that is why they shot him in the had and in the chest...they recognized him!