
@Airbag: yes, I can...

don't need expensive lenses to do this...2 minutes in photoshop will give the same results

@Taco Mudplushroomz: good buddy of mine plays drums for a band called LSD and the Search for God. When we first went to see them live, my wife thought that their equipment was broken...they kept looking down at their peddles and messing with them...they are ultimate shoegazers

@Mojonaut: That's the problem with those two...too much going on...to distract you from the story or lack of one...

@Maxx Cracker: I'm with you...anything Micheal Bey makes is garbage...he and Bruckheimer should be taken out and shot...

@Earl_of_Gumout: How about a M4 Sherman? Maybe a B-17 Liberator?

red 944 with nekkid chick on hood

@GreenVanMan: I wasn't into reading the article in the middle of the night, just looking at the pretty pics

what kind of car is the 666/smoker car?

@Pete Gaines: but it would make it much easier if you just assumed that it was offensive to all and just wasn't used at all...no reason to split hairs when you have to look up whats offensive on a wiki...

I like how our UK counterparts pronounce vapourware...it's very elegant.

@Alfisted: I got taken in one early morning for a warrant that I had taken care of a year before. I was pulled over in my '63 bug that had a headlight out...I parked next to a No Parking curb. They put me in the back of the squad car and one of the officers attempted to move my car to the other side of they street and

I used to think this guy was a joke after he peaked...now that I have a 5 month old daughter, I have the utmost sympathy for him...

Mom's '84 Cutlass Ciera

Gomer Pyle FTW!!!!