
@philibuster: they showed just one child...maybe there is a teenage girl who is upstairs telling her friends when her Dad goes to the airport next...I was born in Denver, but haven't lived there years(left in '79)...When did CR become an affluent city? I remember when it was just a city on the way to Air Force

cou-pay...sounds like toupee

why all the hate on these people? Because the dude is successful and has a nice home and somewhat decent wife...Maybe you guys should think about the big picture instead of whining about what you don't like about them...Can't wait till you're on TV crying how your gas got siphoned...Then we can sit here and make lame

remakes are for the lame and uninspired...all of em...

I voted for the Bel Air...cause its a Bel Air

I cant remember what my earliest tickets were for...I did lose my license twice before I was 18...all in beater VeeDubs..

his Portuguese voice is much more articulate than his English voice...

$360 for an ipod connector?...For $360 I bet I could get Charo to play guitar in the front seat for me...

@DoctorNineTenths: "...AFTER Obama tanks the economy"? uh hasn't Bush already done that?

while the it's nice to see the Brazilian bugs, especially that green one...they are of not the same quality as what rolled in the US...Brazilian parts are second rate...

my 4th VeeDub was a '70...pretty similar to this one with mix and match parts and skins...only white...Fuel hose came loose going down 101 in Menlo Park, splashing fuel on the distributer...POOF!!! Couldn't figure out why people were pointing at me, couldn't smell the smoke right away as...uh...the passenger

@mechimike: yeah I cleaned it up real well...the Rental-car guy even made a snarky comment about the van being extra clean...maybe that was his clue to check whatever sneaky device they had in the van...

I got burned by this last summer for Burning Man...I rented a van and said I was staying in state...which I didn't...2 weeks later there was an extra $200 charge on my credit card...I called and they said "you went to Nevada..."

@vr6john: nevermind..the profiles have changed since the last time I looked at one...

@JantheMan: actually he isn't smart enough to do just that...

@jbownsabmw: oh I get it now...thought it looked freakin weird...still a fail...

seems he has a bit of neck problem...he only turns his head to the left...seems a bit fake as well...the head turning part...like it was added after...and I can't really believe the Brits would even care as much as the vid shows...

why did they even bother with lap times, when it clearly states that it was personal preference that had the Mustang come out on top...lame