
looking at these I keep getting a feeling like there is something missing...maybe they should go for a more truck based face...then I won't keep expecting to see the rest of the car in another photo...

four doors meh...always meh

two words: styrene plastic

Now I see where David Caruso stole his thing...

Chevelle beats goat by a hair...

@voodoojoo: Thats a mighty long walk there...mighty long...I know this cause I work down the street from ATT Park and I live in the Lower Haight...you mention "on the ride up", so was it a walk or Muni? Even on the nicest days (yesterday was bit too hot, today was better) that is not the most intelligent method of

as a guy who considers himself an artist and a lover the auto genre...I can totally dig this...

@vr6john: shitty cargo or station wagon van = shitty cargo van or station wagon

a lot of installers are just hired contractors, not even real employees...You know the type...shitty cargo or station wagon van with magnetic Comcast sign...roof covered with installation materials and ladder held down by zip ties or fishing line...

Hey look it's the Indianapolis Broncos...they're my favorite team

barrow=borrow damned hooked on phonics...gets me every time

ohh a citation...now that was a car...whooo...my buddy had one and let me barrow it one time...the tranny was like a mystery bag of gears...oh you wanted 2nd? have 4th instead...

@Carni77: as opposed to the qualified con-artist in office now?


pffft...Men's Warehouse suit

who actually had the fastest LeMon out there? I know that Krider won, but was theirs the fastest? I am assuming some driving skill had something to do with their win....