
those fender flairs are classic...classic what I don't know, but something classic...

"How much proof is actually necessary to conclude cats are the spawn of Satan and tolerate humans..."

$4.15 for 91 in SF last weekend...

@Unevolved: Whoop!: here is a un-watermarked version...If you download, it's a 500k file @ 1200px wide...hope that works for you...I cut the width in half here for posting...

@mytdawg: agreed...The highlight was when he mentioned the website at the end..."Double you, double you, double you dot..."

the rims are poopy on this car

@Mike the Dog: I think had a spiritual awakening at one point and recovered from his substance abuse. He checked out a bunch of religions during that point and was consulting with a Hindu healer when he did die of liver failure

wrong wrong wrong...Jesus would drive a bug...

this was Red AuerБЯд╒╒'s idea first...I expanded on it a bit...but it might be perfect for the SoCal freeways...you could carpool and make them take turns riding shot gun...literally

Toyota's new catapult system for Al-Qaeda suicide bombers

sorry late to the party

@79TA: Was meant to be humor...but it failed I guess...I happen to be of mixed ethnic origin (European, Latin and Native American plus some unknowns), I have a pretty distinct look about me. When a person who I meet for the first time and they ask me what my nationality or what country I am from within the first 5

watercolor of Betty I did a while back..

@PWND БЯд╒╒ ®: If you live near or are visiting SF, check out Little Star Pizza...Apparently it's the only pizza east-coasters will actually say is good...of course not as good as the can get back home...

ok...it's real...just needed to see someone or something move in on or about it...damn short though

@M0L0TOV: yeah tell me about it...My nephew who is from Guatemala likes to call some Americans Canadians...especially ones who call him Mexican. Like most uneducated Fox News watching 'mericans...

@icntdrv: What makes it Mexican? There are plenty of countries that speak Spanish...Spain is one...