
Faux Wood Paint Kit

@Tomsk: Screw the tow truck...would you rather see a Fastback backing up to your car or the tow truck...nuff said

Does this come with the circumcision feature as well?

MKV, 4 doors, DSG - fail

My dad purchased a 70' Sportster from Mile High Harley in Denver, but couldn't pick it up that day as it needed some work before he could have it...That night, someone broke the plate glass window at Mile High and tried to pull it out, they were unsuccessful, he had to wait another 2 weeks to get it...He had it for

I would have voted for the Golf, but I was feeling rather Mayberry today...Don Knotts is god

Fastback FTW...yeah yeah I know, but I'm loyal to the frackin end...plus it's the only car I have the skill to work on...

@highmile: Didn't Andy and Barney drive one of these in Mayberry?

@evoCS: the music from the Hayes video would make great porno music

I frackin love Mavericks...wish I had one...a Grabber would be sweet

"..and will be hand crafted by a handpicked team of experienced technicians in Japan."

you should see what his brother Mike has in his yard...

i just notice the date in the upper left corner of the image that says april 2007...this took place about a month ago so I'm not sure what that means.

Google street maps has a competitor called MapJack...

have to vote for my brethren...GTI

So Jimmy Fallon was arrested? One can only hope...

@suzq044: same here...i was going for a deuce coup look , but Jones did a great job...

or dudette...

@suzq044: thats awsome dude...