True, but put that through a water filter and pop some purification tablets into it and voila — drink away. ;) (filter & tablets = writers getting the hang of it) :)
True, but put that through a water filter and pop some purification tablets into it and voila — drink away. ;) (filter & tablets = writers getting the hang of it) :)
And then it got better. Why focus on the negative — it DID improve.
It looks like it has an eye. Which then makes the whole thing look like a real-world version of something you'd have seen in a Tales From the Crypt/Vault of Horror/Haunt of Fear issue as illustrated by "Ghastly" Graham Ingles.
I literally cannot breathe right now. I'm typing this with my head between my legs and my Bluetooth keyboard on the floor. What. The. Fuck. :( WHY??????
Oh dear God. Those poor children. Those poor women. :(
So that's where Mark Gastineau's hair went.
Since I didn't know your biography, I was only asking. I think you took offense at an honest question and for that, I will apologize.
I think you're fishing for a netting joke just for the halibut.
I'm aware of it being an editorial medium. I'm asking you if you're capable of not being biased to the best of your abilities. It's not an accusation, it's an inquiry.
Are you honestly able to do a writeup on that club, given all that you've said in this thread? It seems like there might be a built-in bias? :-\
It would probably take a long time to pore through her postings and comments, but Carerra has called herself "fish" quite a few times on her Facebook page. :-\
Now, I'm just asking. I recognize that SOME transfolk have asked that the word be eliminated, but I've also seen articles and comments from Our Lady J, TS Madison, Calpernia Addams — and many non-famous (for lack of a better term; I'm not sure "regular trans folk" is ok or even fair to say) trans folk say that they…
I'm with you. :-X
Do I? Do I care? :)
Yeah, the more I think about it, the more it seems like a hoax — get the thrill junkies even more riled up to ride it.
The Kansas City Star is a very reliable paper with some great reporters. If they're reporting that no riders were actually on it, I believe them. But yes — they need to fix this ASAP. Otherwise what an incredible waste of money.
The underside of your bridge is missing you, sweetheart.
If being older requires me to drink decaf and be perpetually angry at people on the Internet...I'll pass, "dear". :)
Speaking of sounding like a dick...try reading some of your own comments to people. You make me wonder if you're sponsored by Massengill.