
He may be chilly, but looking at that picture gets me moist. ;)

I just thought it was me who saw that, but it's fucking TRUE, isn't it?

Yes. THIS.

I fapped.

Honestly, I looked at that woman without a wig (and then found a pic of her with one) and asked myself, "why do I find this woman gorgeous without a wig, and so fucking obnoxious with one?" It's like two different people. Why does she wear the pink wigs anyway? She's so pretty au naturel.

He looks like Kurt Russell!

I thought it was a photo of something in It's a Small World at Disney. :-\ looks that that one actor...CRAP! I can't think of his name, but it looks like some character actor you see on substandard TV dramas!!! :(

What a wonderfully unselfish thing to do. Would that we had more people like Mr. Thompson out there. :)

I checked 16 of them. Guess I am.

Now now...Jonah tries....

I think the Kinsey Institute still says the average male penis is 5.5", so yeah, he's above average. :) (God, I keep looking at the pics. He really has a nice pair!)

I'd say he's above average. :)

I was leery of clicking the photo links, but I was pleasantly surprised. They're not gross or anything; I looked at the erect photo first, had a split-second thought of "It's Photoshopped" and then looked at it and was like, "you go, dude!" He's actually nicely endowed (both of them) and as a gay guy I will say that

He and his Harley (Alyssa is her real name...I think) moved to Brooklyn a couple of months ago. Wonder if there's a great Deadpool impersonator in NYC? :)

Oh, I am sure you are right...there will be someone who will relegate Ledger's Joker to the "it was iconic until...'X' came along..." shelf. But it's not Cumberbatch. :)

Thank you! I could not sit still during that episode! :(

Was it wrong of me to start giggling uncontrollably when Capaldi appeared as #12 and had that whole scene with Clara?

Dear God — "STALE HAM"

Can I just tell you I love you now for that explanation? :) <3