
You'll get yours! "How snide. How unChristlike"…. Really…" He that believes on him (Jesus) is not condemned: but he that believes not is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God" Jesus said that! John 3:18 "And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but

How about "proof" being placed into Corey's lap? Try to realize I've discovered the truth. If you are honestly looking for proof try reading, and studying in this particular area. "More Than A carpenter" is a good place to begin. Google, " Messianic Prophecies" or "Evidence that Jesus is the Messiah". Read the

Notice… Todd responds to anyone saying anything positive about this film. From a Christians perspective, we can feel the hate in the chat room, that's for sure. Yes, Josh's presentation for his belief in God could have been more effective. Again… the film from a Christian's perspective was powerful. We understand

I thought it was a great movie. Places a humanist in battle with a Christian… the culture war on film. Very realistic within its central theme. The conflict occurs all the time. Notice the Supreme Court case over the abortion elements within the health care bill, concerning Christian companies. Just because the