
Remember that time that people were like “Hillary is a warhawk, we don’t want war, let’s go with Trump.” Good times, good times.

Honestly, I love the Ringer but Lombardi just says the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again.

Having learned both of these languages (to an extent), I can say this. Cut your losses and learn Spanish. Mandarin is fucking hard and, despite the theory that 14% of the world speaks it, they don’t account for the fact that dialects in China are a thing and dealing with that shit is even harder.

Zapp’s Voodoo Chips.

Is it just me or does this dude look him he’s very entertained by what is going down in front of him?

Didn’t even need to read the caption. Just assumed this was something Russell Wilson would be all about.

As a person who lives just up the highway from San Antonio, I’ve always disliked the Spurs because their fans are... obnoxious. (All I ever hear is “No one believes in us”, “we’re the underdogs”, “we’re the best fans in basketball”. As a basketball junky, I know that lots of people do, they aren’t and everyone

Are those Paul Ryan’s eyes I see?!

Okay, you’re right. I’ll stop sticking up for what are so poetically called “good white people” (and surprise, some white people are actually good), but I do still believe that the approach of “you’re at fault because you’re white and I can’t and won’t work with you” is one that isn’t going to be beneficial long term.

No part of anything I said is “you can’t be angry”. I literally said “I get you are angry, I would be too” in a previous part of this same conversation. I also clearly acknowledge that it was my people that did this. And to be clear, I’m not asking for someone to be nice to me. I’ve even said that he can be as angry

If that is how you read what I wrote, okay. I’m not going to argue with you about intentions. But reread what I’ve said. I think it is it’s own response to your statement.

Don’t let him (or her) get you down man. His view is the only one he’s willing to embrace (and it’s a valid view but one I personally disagree with), but apparently, if you’re white, you’re on the other team. He seems to believe that us wanting cooperation is us ignoring apathy and history and really everything to

Please, continue to fight your own team. I am not ignorant of history, institutional racism or even my own role within this culture we live in. But I’m not asking for “benefit of the doubt”, or a pat on the back, or a cookie. I’m saying that maybe if we work together, we can fix this. But I see you’d rather just put

You know what, good for you. Be the righteous person you are and alienate others. Act like a child. Throw cooperation, compassion and a dream of working together out the window. I am not looking for a cookie, or a pat on the back, or a “#notallwhitepeople”. I do not defend those that voted for Trump, although I

White dude here. I don’t really get the argument you’re making. Fear has not forced me into giving a damn about people of different colors, I gave a damn long before Trump ran and I will give a damn long after. Sure, it’s a little disheartening that he is what it takes to “woke” people, but the truth is that maybe,

Actually, it appears to me that without the net at least kind of affecting the trajectory of that vehicle, it likely would have collided full on with that bench full of spectators... but still.

I suppose we will find out! No matter what someone’s going to get butthurt.

I honestly can’t comprehend why you’d even bother posting this. You must be from Portland.

The truth is all I can pray for is that KD doesn’t win it because fuck Kevin Durant. And I was a KD homer. Literally. I lived in Austin as he played for UT, am from Seattle so it was like a dream come true and even was cool with the move because I have most of my family in OKC. He was my made to order hero from the

See, I see the argument for Harden, I really do. He’s putting up excellent numbers, his team is playing really great, but I still give the edge to Russ. I know the triple double thing is silly but it matters, and he does have 2 more rebound a game than Harden, his PER is higher, his usage is higher and I’d argue the