
This statement is A) Frightfully accurate, to the point that I just looked up clips from “The Wedding Planner” to confirm its obvious truth, and B) completely worth the caps lock.

In bad Spanish, sure. Good Spanish would be “Alma Mia.” Otherwise it’s MI alma. It’s my mother tongue and what I make my living with as a translator.


And I can only assume that Jorah’s next words were:

I’ve been watching reruns lately and I was around when they first aired. It’s amazing what a horrible person Carrie was, looking back. The time she yells at Charlotte for not offering to lend her $3ok for a down payment on her apt. Lolz.

His daughter’s name means “my soul” in Spanish, he said, “because I’m cheesy like that.”

Tagline: “Also insulting to women, men, any who isn’t extremely wealthy, and more!”

Agree 100%. It did not age well, and the women, especially SJP’s character, now come across as vapid and self-centered and clueless. Or maybe that’s how they were always perceived and it just took me a while to catch on.

oh god that first season where she talks directly into the camera.

Has anyone who watched Sex in the City at the time it was out re watched it recently? I feel like it doesn’t age well.

That’s a common mistake, but you’re thinking of Borbón whisky, distilled in the Dominican highlands on plantations belonging to the Cincinnati relief pitcher of the same name. Duh.

You’re the dadest dad who ever dad joked. Bravo, you magnificent bastard!

Yeaaaah. Like I HATED my nose when I was a kid. Literally would stare in the mirror and think about getting plastic surgery. My lovely mother would have none of that and just kept reiterating that I was lovely just the way I was.

i have become an accidental kardashian stan because of the unnecessary vitriol they face. they could literally cure cancer and give away all of their money to starving children and people would still be FURIOUS.

I finally got the joke! I assumed it was some sort of Aussie slang, but now I realise there are people in this world who think a cappuccino is actually spelled/pronounced “cup of chino”. Thanks, Yahoo Answers!

“Kylie has always been so insecure about her lips, since she was a little girl,”

“you’ve never worked with the general public before.”

I’ve been working with General Public so long, he was just Lieutenant Public when I got started.

My mom has so much mom in her heart that she couldn’t give it all to the two independent, happy, well-adjusted girls she raised. So she became a surrogate mom to anyone out there who needed a little more mom in their life. The best was when my sister came out while attending a small college in the South and started

Yeah, the depth is weird. It looks photoshopped to me. Like, his right hand looks weird, the shadow on his right pantsleg looks weird.

Is that Tom Cruise photo really not doctored in any way? Something looks... off. Like, is that just a miniature model of a city beneath him? What is he sitting on? What building has a pipe that extends up that high and is only the width of a human or two? The proportions of this are weird for me.