
I wonder why they didn’t apply piezoelectricity instead?! But maybe that’s still equally inefficient? I mean, the did this 6 years ago, so I would assume it’s evolved further.

bikers are the worst.

And the message is that we are too stupid to sell them at auction to recoup the money that taxpayers spent on apprehending the criminals and impounding their machines. We will just throw that money down the drain to make a statement of questionable value.


I give them credit for using the cars—as if keeping them in heated garages under covers and only taking them out for short cruises on sunny weekends is so “manly”.

I myself was hoping to start an aftermarket vinyl face sticker business for Model 3 customers... you know, to fund my Model S. >:)

The Porsche style no grille looks the best imo.

Still grill-less but with some surface detail.

I believe that is a cheap UHaul moving blanket, which doesn’t dress up the interior one bit. A nice Mexican blanket OTOH would liven things up immensely and, in the right color, really make a cohesive statement in the living space.

“Let’s duct tape an iPad to the center of the dash. Job done.” -Tesla

You know, maybe the DOT needs to back the fuck off the laser beam headlights and let this stuff happen. Until we allow advancement of technology to touch our headlights, we have hit a brick wall. Of darkness.


Finally something is accessible on an Audi engine without assuming the maintenance position.

Dare I say it is too wide and the wheels are wrong?


Yay the morning CVT

My favorite is the guy in the white SUV at the end blatantly going for a sidewalk ride

Dynamic Jowls is the name I propose for modern design.

I think blackout is fine in other colors as well - it’s the chrome that is blacked out, not the whole car.

But then I’m one of those people who wants blackout trim with a different color (because I hate chrome).