
You apparently didn’t read section 3 of the ruling, allow me to share it and emphasize an important point so you see it.

UNHCR reports on National contributions, not the individual. More importantly, they report only on what they personally receive. Guess which one of us looked at the whole picture rather than the UN approved and glossed propaganda report designed to make the UN not look like an incompetent, impotent, and corrupt

Abraham Lincoln was a lawyer. What do lawyers drive?

I don’t assume the Second Amendment must be repealed, thanks to the Supreme court I know it.

So, a person with no official power, position, connections, or importance is getting an all expenses paid vacation in Germany? Where do I sign up?

Ok, let us assume you are correct. Let us ban all guns. We can do this. It will just be a bitch of a process legally.

Not with a knife, but with a car, truck, van, bomb, poisons, easily. It could have been so much worse if he had gone those routes. Worse still, unlike guns, all of those things are available without a waiting period, background check or any other significant obstacles.

Everyone who was critical of the design spotted this as a potential problem with the single central stuck out screen. I’ll admit no one predicted the lack of a mechanical latch on the glovebox issue, mostly because it is such an obvious problem that someone would have to be willfully ignorant of it to miss it.

This, as you might have noticed, is not a software problem. The hardware failed. The single instrumentation and control system of the car broke in the process of injuring someone. Worse, its one of the problems with that idiotically centrally mounted screen that was expected since everyone first saw it. A thin plastic

The single source of instrumentation and control in the car breaks because of a hard impact with an occupant of the car and causes injury to that occupant. That is a minor improvement needed? Did you help Steve Jobs design the apple space cult ship?

Nah, can’t be. Like the glass walls and doors on the Apple Cult Campus if it isn’t invented there it is satan.

What is going to bother you is when you realize that the crazy bread bag mascot has them.

So what you are saying is that it is ok to discriminate against people because of their former employers. I’m going to go out on a limb here and not even bother to check because I feel safe in saying that this is in some way illegal.


Looks like the multiple tiers of structures that look to be at the back of a person’s throat when they open wide. Whats the big deal?

The general theory seems to be that people on food stamps need to be encouraged to get off of them. In a way that is an admirable sentiment, it would be a great thing if it were easy to find work that would allow them to pay for all their needs. The problem is that it is one that remains ignorant of why SNAP exists.

The reason, I’m guessing, for this presumably unspoken nonaggression pact on the issue, is that most elected Democrats are also rich, and a few of them engage in similar practices.

People think that words are harmful and dangerous. They are right when they are backed up by actions that are harmful and dangerous.

Meanwhile, I, like most people, am still amused by how the racists on all sides are still too busy screaming racist epitaphs at each other to get on with doing anything productive.

Oh dear, and think about all the broken bones and other injuries and deaths of birds...