
Unless undocumented immigrants are a race, they aren’t as their backgrounds are many and varied, then that provision is not racist.

Not really sure what the recourse would be honestly. As far as I or any of the lawyers I have asked can figure there isn’t really a law that has been violated, though they are looking into it. If it had happened while the case was being appealed rather than between appeals or in spite of an injunction or stay it would

Is there a trick to make it cost less than a used car?

If the EV tax credit is what is making EVs possible then they aren’t ready for the market or the market isn’t ready for them yet. Ditch it and give tax credits on plugin hybrids instead.

It is also that they can’t do it without constant cash infusions, being sued by current and former employees and investigations for illegal practices by the government.

Unless they can continue to receive constant cash infusions from investors they will fail.

You are right of course, but he would not have been able to convince people to keep handing him money hand over fist that way. Remember, Tesla has only turned even a quarterly profit once in its history, and to do it they had to cook the books so much that they skirted the edge of breaking laws hard enough to strip

Anyone else starting to be reminded of British Leyland?

Sanrio makes a pink Hello Kitty Branded one, would that help?

By my metrics, the AR-15 is a fairly unremarkable middle of the road semi-automatic rifle. Its ballistic performance is solid, but not at all remarkable. Its kinetic energy transfer potential is actually below average. The accuracy of the weapon is solid, but not really worth noting unless you spend a rather silly sum

Fuck that shit, this isn’t racism, this is outright Sociopathy. Lock this potential serial killer in a rubber room and let time sort it out.

Except it is harder to buy a gun at a gun show than it is to rent a vehicle. Unless you are referring to private sales rather than those that go through FFL Dealers.

Uzbeki, so kinda, depending on your definition based on racism or other theories that became obsolete and idiotic to cling to in the 19th century.

I would have put politics ahead of religion, and perhaps religion as a subdivision of politics since that is essentially what it is.

To be fair, the vast majority of Americans have trouble remembering all the Lyrics of the National Anthem so calling out Trump or just about anyone else except for the person who is doing the opening sing-along for the games seems a little foolish.

Is there some way all us Jalops could help him out? I know old chargers are getting fewer and further with every passing day, but maybe one of us has some lead or ideas on what we could do for Radar.

You can get a drink at Starbucks for less than $10?

So basically after all that work and conspiracy theory nuttery what we got was Tax Evasion. Seriously, that’s it? That is all of it? If they investigated congress they would probably find every single member has more than this hiding in various nooks and crannies here and abroad...

A nice antique real Persian rug that was handmade can be very expensive. That price, heh, that’s not even the tip of that iceberg.

You may be right about this being an end to a second term for Trump, but to the people that support him and voted for him this looks like the Democratic party working to take down by any means necessary the man who defied their holy writ declaration of HRC POTUS. This will not discourage them. In fact, it will almost