von Funnyname

So, we keep talking about ceiling height, and room size, but there’s not parameters for what a “large” room, or a “small” room means. Can we get some clarity there? This article is just the right time because I just moved to a new place and am looking to downsize from my

So, we keep talking about ceiling height, and room size, but there’s not parameters for what a “large” room, or a

Now, the real question is this: Were both of those trophies facts of life, or are you just flexing on that creative writing win with the eloquent story prior?

We have a whole facility masquerading as a “public work” down the street from my house. They say it’s a “Public Waste Facility” i.e. ‘dump’, but we all know what’s going on... <.<

It’s getting fucking unnerving/scary too, man


I know, for me, when I’ve taken it to help *get* to sleep, it doesn’t help me *stay* asleep. The next morning I wind up with medicine head likened to NyQuil mornings with a cold. Perhaps “grogginess” makes a bit more sense...

Only two, though. 


I don’t disagree that demonstrating a breadth in vocabulary is a better way to go but, sometimes, you just need to break the ‘fuck’ barrier so you can get people to snap back into the conversation. We all have such tendencies to forget we’re even IN conversations that the shock value of a well-placed profanity works