
mods are asleep, post bubble cars

sad news

And Thanks, too, from the OTHER subs, because—since y’all at Oppo were kind enough to share the info about the subs getting shuttered, tge *rest* of the subs have also been able to make sure our backups are up & running smoothly, so that OUR communities can remain somewhat intact, too.

Thank you for the kind words and support. I can’t tell you how upset I am at the decision to pull the plug. I was this -> <- close to getting rid of my smart phone, and getting a QWRTY phone in late 2013, when I found Jalopnik. It was here I found a reason to stay on the internet. Ballaban brought me out of the greys

Are you going to replicate the Ultimate Ground Speed Check on The Hyphen, or you want me to handle that? =)

Oppo has been a wonderful community. I’m happy to have been a part of it, to have helped in some small ways to shape it, and am extremely fortunate to have made many good friends through it.

That’s fine, we were mostly trouble anyways.

I remember when Doug linked my post about “Mods not increasing the value of your truck” and waking up the next morning to 10000+ views and an explosion in the comments section wondering “what in the actual hell happened?”.

I second this. I’ve physically met people from Oppo in 11 different countries on 2 continents, flew that Torchbug over the ocean and have probably met roughly 30 current and former Oppo authors in person. In those 11 different countries, in 10 of them due to Oppo meets. I was on Oppo since before it was named Oppo

Oppo is going to be the new photobucket on forums.

Oppo is going to be the new photobucket on forums.

Loved your above the LOL posts, man I’m being pretty much overwhelmed by all the nostalgia rushing back. 

A HUGE and SINCERE thanks Jalops! We really appreciate your kind words and everything you’ve done for us over the years and all you’ve done to help save us in the last week...it’s been a whirlwind.

Oppo was my ‘home’ online...I check it many times a day, not just for the car content, but also for the camaraderie and

Thanks for the kind words and all the help preventing a surprise shutdown. I am a relative newb to Oppo, joining in late 2016, but it really has become a place I look forward to visiting. Nowhere else on the internet has the non-judgmental car culture you get on Oppo.  Like so many others I can’t believe it is going

As corny as it may sound, Oppo has filled a gap in many lives, mine included. It’s one of the few corners of the internet where things are kept civil. I’ve had the good fortune to interact with some fantastic people over the years and it really has become like a big family to me. We’ve supported so many of our

Jalopnik drew me in with Jeep coverage, and Oppo let me return that in spades. Dear heavens I found a lot to talk about in my two and a half years under that umbrella.

A place where I met so many amazing people (over 50) who took me on many amazing drives across the PNW in Canada and the USA.

Thanks for all the support from the FP guys and gals over the years. Without Jalopnik, it’s pretty obvious there’d be no Oppositelock. And we know you guys did what you could to keep us around as long as possible. It’s a bummer, yeah, but the community will live on in one form or another.