
I saw one of those “Remember this when you go to vote” posts on Facebook complaining about how Democrats blocked the bill initially. I’m the furthest from being up to date on politics, but that complaint seemed weird to me. Republicans want to act like Democrats are lazy and want handouts, but when Democrats refuse

No it wasn’t.  Until about a week ago, US industry expectations were 17 million units, which was on par with last year.

This is just another domino. I have to believe at least part of this is due to the fact all of China was shut down for a month. I find it very difficult to believe that there isn’t at least one Chinese made part or sub assembly on every car and truck. It might only be a small piece of an electrical assembly from a 2nd

Exponential growth rates mean that every citizen will be infected after a few months if people dont lock down. This this is much easier to spread than other viruses, and its kill rate in older people is quite high.

Yay! I found the “flu is worse” guy!

Daniel Howes wrote in the Detroit News pointing out that the domestics have a lot of cash on hand as well, and have said they can survive in a market of 10 million annual sales. But of course we shall see

Just be sure to check in with your own comments in a month.

Greatest city in the world!

Someday somebody will have to explain to me why using corporate cash to buy stock at the peak of its value is “doing right by the shareholders. It’s not a wise long-term move, even if it’s that particular company’s own stock.

The reality is that America wasn’t prepared, because we chose not to be. In 2018, Trump’s administration cut the pandemic response team, and sent Rear Admiral Ziemer packing. He wasn’t replaced.

You’ll keep your mouth shut about toilet paper if you know what’s good for you.

Conversely, though, everybody needs to understand that the 2020 election isn’t going to fix this. Nor is congress, probably.

It’s interesting, because now people are buying it purely because it’s going on a run/selling out and they don’t want to be left without. They’re replicating behavior as a fear reflex. Also, misinformation or assumed supply shortage.

The only reason this isn’t widespread is because of articles like these, and private companies cancelling events or telling employees to stay home. The alternative of ignoring it and believing that this is all a conspiracy invented by the world to elect a Democrat in the White House would be the results of the Spanish


Neutral: I know who I am voting for in November....

While I am proud of Joe for having the cajones to call out his bullshit, I do feel bad for the guy. After all, his AR with the drum mag, tactical light, and bipod is the only thing keeping the gubmint from forcing him to have gender reassignment surgery and abide by sharia law.

Well, the term wasn’t just invented since you were born, so there may be some historical context you’re not privy to.

Also, “central USA” sounds really weird. Is it just me?

Nope, I rent one like an adult instead of inconveniencing people I like.