
I agree with the whole “horepower wars being a dick measuring contest" thing, but COME ON!! How can you release a car that has almost HALF the HP of the car its replacing??

You think they care about what their constituents think? Beg to differ, in strong terms. They only care about their own power bubble.

adding about 880 pounds (400 kg) in the last two decades alone, according to automotive consultancy A2Mac1. Beefier beams and pillars for added crash protection and more amenities like power seats have been the main culprits

The whole crazed protectionist nationalism that is rising all over the world is doing us all great favors!

Stealth is a concept to avoid predation. There’s no need for stealth if you’re unable to be challenged. Superman never needs to hide anywhere. If you caught him in your house, you couldn’t make him leave and he could do whatever he wanted. The logic might be similar here. The best we could do is die if we started a

We live in the best possible time to be alive on Earth. And you think we’re close to WWIII. The level of entitlement is strong with you.

I want to believe it’s (non-hostile) aliens but common sense says its humans. Some new tech or somesuch.

“Nissan should probably do the mature thing here and swallow its pride and find out a way to work with Renault and FCA”

To RH getting to the moon was the important thing, by whatever means.

The inspiration for this art.

...then you definitely won’t win at Indy.  I know.

Where are you seeing actual wages going up? Every number I see, from every source I can find, shows recent wage growth around 2.8%, with inflation/CPI at around 2.6%.

The issue is that while employment is low, the quality/pay of the jobs is going down hill. That’s why you see the difference between the median and the average wage growing.

I doubt this is an exercise in strength/weight for HRE... They’re using additive purely to push the envelope of design. You can’t forge an equivalent wheel (design-wise), for anywhere near the price these probably cost. It’d be much more expensive and time consuming, if its even possible.

You are probably right but that is an issue I have with analyst and their Monday morning quarterback philosophy. Their solution to everything is to cut costs and lay people off when in reality that isn’t the best case in a lot of situations.

The Germans blamed the mess on a lack of synergies, but they themselves were to blame and walked away with nearly nothing.

While probably true I dont think that is the intent of the OG analyst claim. From reading the horribly structured Bloomberg quote I read it simply as the analyst saying that to cover a 5% sales drop you would need to layoff of an additional 23000 people if you make no other changes.

Analyst would love it if Ford company could layoff every worker and still make money. However, said company would still not meet Wall Street expectations and would be valued less than Uber.