
The Fiero’s Canadian speedometer is insufficient due to GM cost cutting. The American Fieros have 140MPH speedos - enough for a Fiero, obviously. The first few years of Canadian ones have 140KPH speedos, which could be exceeded in third gear, let alone fourth. This was finally rectified at the later half of the 1986

Shout out to the Boss 302 Mustang having it back in 1969!

The laughing and criticism is coming from east coasters and New Yorkers. Ever notice that the blizzards blow through the middle of the country, covering all of us in 3+ feet of snow and none of them are concerned. But then it finally gets to New York, where a half inch of fluff paralyzes the entire eastern seaboard

I’m a Camaro man, but I get happy whenever pony cars do well.

I’m a bad person, all I can think of is “I should invest into mining...”

How is she insulting her constituents? She is saying her district is firmly Democrat - as is she. Is she also insulting herself. This reporting is gross.

Yeah, but she ain’t wrong. I’m all for keeping progressive momentum going in pulling the Democratic party more to the left through primaries. But in 2018 the House was flipped by less leftist Democrats winning in swing districts, not the (outstanding people that we need more of) handful of progressives who won in

Are you trying to tell me that government subsidies supporting a specific market that doesn’t have the proper market to support said investment is a bad idea?

In a much larger sense, I’m still skeptical of mass turbocharging in large markets like the US — from a reliability standpoint, at least. We need stuff that’s fairly simply and works with little maintenance for a decade or more. However, at the moment the main incentive for carmakers is to chase fuel economy at all

I don’t have anything against a 4-cylinder Mustang, but who in their right mind wouldn’t step up to the V8 when this thing would cost somewhere between $31,410 and $35,355? No, don’t tell me about gas mileage, or how you want a lighter front end... V8! V8! All hail Vee Eight!

That’s what they want you to think

I don’t agree with some of what Manning has said or done, and I’m a little irked she’s declining to testify on Assange, who has essentially been revealed as a Russian asset. But it’s difficult not to respect her courage and conviction. She leaked, and served her time for it. And then, when called to testify to a grand

Usually I ignore comments like this, but you’re seriously complaining about a writer, who is the reporter on “Investigations & Technology” according to his byline, for doing his job and writing a story about an investigation at what is considered the most technological car company.

Why are people like this when certain companies/people are involved?

Wait, Musk is a dog-beater?

Silly Tesla.. Just do what the “Big Three” do. Move your factories to Mexico. You’ll never have to worry about profit margins, workers rights, or any of that crap. If an employ is hurt you just shoot shovel and shut up.

Actually, unless you die, you didn’t get electrocuted, so yes the employee was shocked.

Every time I read a comment about how bad unions are, this is the kind of shit I am reminded of. People who don’t work in factories have NO IDEA the kinds of shit employers try to get away with. Denying Workers Comp is like the least of it when you consider how often they try to cut corners on safety regs.

NP in that I wouldn’t be the buyer for it, but it is in line with national prices.