
It’s because his brothers are making flights that rely on him being the transportation.  It’s literally written up there.

Thanks for nailing it. A reality TV trailer is exactly what this article felt like.

He’s a cult leader at this point.


I'm done guessing with Trump. It boggles my mind that his believers (I no longer call them his voters) think he is this mastermind strategist. It's clear he has no clue what these topics are about, he's driven by emotion and doesn't have the attention span to think through the possible outcomes of what he does. He

I think it’ll be the Mustang equivalent of this Camaro-inspired crossover

I’ll talk with AC about it. If there’s anyone who would love to compare off-road pickup trucks, it’s AC.

have you guys ever tried to do a round up review? they are crazy popular for YouTube and lots of fun. Toyota Jeep Ford Nissan Chevy. lots of choices these days.

“Quad” cab. Assuming you really, really, really hate the people you stick in the back seat. I recently checked out the Colorado, a vehicle for which I’ve never went so quickly from “This is interesting” to “No way in hell ever unless they pay me for it” after 30 seconds in the seats, and the Ranger, which was nicer

Not me.  Ben Franklin once said “he who is willing to sacrifice liberty for a little safety, deserves neither liberty nor safety.”

Neutral.  Probably work as a barista, and make Bernie Sanders memes about how we need free college tuition.

It goes back a few years, but they are referring to this rocket surgeon’s explanation for this dipshit move.

“I’m an awesome race car driver, but I made the mistake of using an analog gauge.”

here y’all go-

Cold tires and 1.5 psi off.  We all know why...

and on the back “I know what I have” 

So you have no issues with Charles Kushner’s $2.5 million donation to Harvard? Because that $2.5 million can also help endowments at Harvard that would be shared beyond one privileged kid.

That was a fantastic race! Kudos to IndyCar officials for not messing around with track limits. With those cars sliding around like crazy, letting them use whatever pavement was available made for a great show. Congrats to little Huerta! He definitely had some luck help his cause, but he was right there when things

Races like this are what IndyCar needs. I still can’t figure for the life of me why IndyCar isn’t as widely watched as NASCAR. I love Martinsville, but COTA in IndyCars should have been a no-brainer today.