Von Ether

You know even without him being so direct as a black kid growing up in the 70s you end up with this sort of “Decent white man” radar system. Just a real serious feeling about a guy you think would not freak out if you bought the house next to him or stood behind him at an ATM machine.

Welcome to Kinja........ Where crap biased reporting gets us cash from clicks.

Shouldn’t that memo go to her agent?

I believe she did indeed dj while he made pancakes, and no one will ever convince me otherwise.

Yeah, and the old-timey “zounds!” and “gadzooks!” were actually “God’s wounds” (the stigmata) and “God’s hooks” (the nails on the cross).

The difference is really that no one cares on Halloween if your costume isn’t exactly detailed right or if you got the facial features wrong, etc. It’s like Casual Friday for cosplay, actually....

Some of the best Adventure League stuff written for ToA was by Rich Lescouflar, a POC game writer. Check him out.

‘New Kotaku article by Jason Schreier: “Oops, I Somehow Bricked My SNES Classic.”’ 

Multiplayer goose assholery simulator?

This was the exact moment this game had my money.

If you want to be like Rick then you have already failed at being like Rick.

See, roaches creep me right the hell out, but a rat would just annoy me.

And also add a white woman with a broom!! Not only has my broom been spit on more than a New York City sidewalk, but I’ve also had employees totally leave the building till the broom is put away!!

I’m white, live in the country. Squirrels are rats with better tails.

Dude, your writing is so vivid it’s unreal.

Ah, the original Palm Pilot. Totally retro.

I’d dispute the notion that dedicating time towards the creative process constitutes “boredom.” But that’s just semantics.

Simple: Because they’re screwing up Star Trek canon royally and trying to make it “Fast and Furious in Outer Space” (just like J.J. did). That is one of the many reasons why this show will likely be an epic fail, while Seth Mcfarlane (of all people) may finally give Star Trek fans a TV decent show.

This is pre TOS - replicators haven’t been invented yet. I think. On the other hand how do you know they don’t?

If you're forced to sell your belongings in order to finance your wedding, you're spending too much on the wedding.