
So the hidden "profound message" in this film is that "happiness is inside you already, and not based on a material thing you can buy, or even something you eat, or drink, or take?" While that's certainly a sentiment I agree with, it's by no means profound - that 'message' has been a basic foundation of

I do appreciate the irony of the 'anti-political correctness candidate' being the man who tried to sue The Onion and Bill Maher for making jokes at his expense. Sad!

He has a child's understanding of every serious issue, so it's no surprise he is taking the 'it's not wrong if you don't get caught' route.

"He also declared that he’ll repeal the Johnson Amendment if he wins, which is a tax code that prevents tax-exempt religious institutions from openly advocating their political views, but that’s not especially funny."

I mean, on one hand we have a dangerous megalomaniac with a penchant for demagoguery and predatory behavior, and on the other hand… an uninspiring politician who had an e-mail problem but none-the-less accepts climate science and cites facts and statistics to guide her reasonable policies. Sounds about even to me!

Alcoholics, the unemployable, angry loners…

Funny how the man so vocally opposed to 'political correctness' is the most thin-skinned, emotionally-vulnerable baby there is.

No, they won't care - facts and accurate assessments of Donald Trump are created by the globalist media in order to end Western civilization, which only Trump is able to save.

Trump is already setting the stage to not concede an almost assured defeat come November 8th. The Trump acolytes are already convinced (sans evidence) that anything less than a Trump victory is the result of a rigged election. There is a serious concern that Donald's talk of monitoring "other communities" (i.e.

I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.

If Trump's campaign has served as beneficial purpose whatsoever, it has been completely tarnishing his reputation. Instead of being simply known as a 'real-estate mogul,' Trump will now be prominently remembered as a fascistic, sociopathic egomaniac and sexual predator. Nice legacy, asshole.

Yet, the unwavering allegiance of his supporters will surely continue. I can't wait to see this monster and his fascistic supporters get their asses handed to them this November.

Exactly. Fear is a powerful emotion and necessary to survival. But what Donald Trump and the Republican party at large has tapped into is a manufactured fear engineered for social control. For example, the likelihood of an American citizen dying in a terrorist attack is quite low, much lower than the likelihood of

To be fair, that whole debate stage format was quite awkward to begin with.

I was clearly referring to the politicians (i.e. Paul Ryan, John McCain, etc.) who are 'jumping ship' from this latest scandal after sticking with him from countless other controversies. How exactly is that a false equivalency?

It's almost as if these politicians are power-hungry opportunists…

The conservative base is, and always has been, largely driven by fear. Whether it's fear of integration among the races, fear about mixed busing, fear of women breaking the traditional gender role, fear of secular humanism and eroding Christianity, fear of terrorism and Muslims, fear of a black president, and, in its

The media (and, by extension, the general public) has always been more critical of politician's sexual exploits than their are in policy failures. Take for example the Monica Lewinsky debacle, which (Bill) Clinton received far more scorned from the media than he did for Al-Shifa pharmaceutical factory bombing in 1998,

"Obama's Hip-Hop BBQ Didn't Create Jobs" - It's like Fox News has purposely ignored the decreasing unemployment rate since Obama has been in office to further a political agenda. Good thing America's 'most trusted news source' would never attempt to misinform their already credulous viewers.

That's just it - many people are frustrated over legitimate concerns and they absolutely should be. The neo-liberalism takeover of the economy over the last 30 years has transformed America into a oligarchic state, where corporations and the elite are able to influence elections (i.e. bribe politicians) due the