
It's not a brand. It's a type of sewing machine. http://sewing.about.com/od/sergersoverlock/ss/serger.htm

Thank you so much for this reply. I just laughed my head off. This is exactly what I've been thinking but couldn't put into words and it makes me feel a lot better that someone else thinks the same thing I do. You helped put into words what I was feeling and he apologized and we both cried and I feel so much better

He's been thinking about it for a few months and he really wants it, but "only if I'm okay with it." I don't think I can be okay with it but I feel terrible about that and kind of think he'll resent me forever. He says it's fine and he's sorry for bringing it up but I'm still upset and suspicious and jealous and

I've always been suspicious that my partners were cheating because I don't think I'm good enough for them. It might not be you. I would try to let it go.

You can cuss out the first person who asks you loud enough that everyone else hears and backs the fuck off. That's probably not the best idea, but it would be very satisfying. I'd honestly suggest you tell them you don't want to talk about that and change the topic to the food or weather or something else innocuous.

My husband and I have been married for two years. He's my best friend, and really my only friend in the city we moved to in October. This summer I had major back surgery which significantly lowered my sex drive and makes frequent sex impossible since I have to recover between sessions from the strain on my back. He is

The problem with this tip is if bending over is painful, you still have to bend over to get the towel over the clothes, turn the drum, and pull everything out. I had lower back surgery this summer and this wouldn't work for me. I get down on my knees and swipe everything out into a basket as quickly as possible, grab

Welcome surprise! I say go for it.

Cut her off. People who don't think you're worth the effort aren't worth your effort.

Thank you for posting this response. It's exactly what people need to read after every single rape allegation against a famous person comes to light.

I was raised Mormon and now I'm an atheist. My husband grew up atheist and still is. We love Christmas! For me it's all about friends and family. Whenever we give gifts they're useful things. Our first Christmas together my mom, sister, and brother got together and bought us a bunch of tools we would need for the

I am sort of in your mom's situation right now. I had major spine surgery in July and I'm not recovering anywhere near as fast as I'd like. My husband is my main caretaker and he hates it when I remind him to do certain chores I can't do, but I feel like I have to remind him or they'll never get done because I'll

These are a few things I've made lately that are simple and delicious:

I like http://www.thekitchn.com/ I think most of their recipes are about medium difficulty. You can also search Pinterest for "vegetarian," look for recipes that sound good and look relatively simple, and then look around the site you were just linked to.

On September 1st my family's income increased 3.5 times from just below the US poverty line to just above the median. It required a big move to Alaska. The move itself was expensive and the cost of living up here is much higher than it was in our old city in Washington so we don't have a lot saved up yet, but we are

They haven't done it right once and you keep giving them your business? Get your sales reps cell phones instead, at least if they screw that up it'll be a different mistake rather than the same one for the 94th time.

I am thinking of getting fake gel nails for the first time to break my nervous nail biting habit. Any tips?

Cut contact! It took me years to get over this in my situation because we knew each other so well I didn't want to give up the friendship. If you don't know each other's life stories, he's not worth a few years of feeling crappy. Don't worry about seeing him in a large group of friends, but never initiate conversation

You need to ask him what he means by that. If he only means it in a friendly way, he needs to shut that shit down. It's not fair to you at all for him to say he isn't interested in a relationship with you then proceed to say very relationship-y things. It'll tear you up constantly trying to figure out what he means.

I would make it about getting your masters in a field you love only to find something along the way that you love even more: teaching about your field. You don't need to have always dreamed of being a teacher, you just have to want it now. Having teaching experience shows you aren't wandering aimlessly, you already