
Much like the Grand Canyon, you could see the intensity of my current NOPE face from space.

Good lord. That gets a giant nope from me.

Once again confirming that I, a person whose ancestors were brought to U.S. shores 200+ years ago—long before the immigrant ancestors of many a white person—am still not a “Real American” with the rights of full citizenship. Thanks, Joe Walsh, for reminding me.

Oh Jesus Christ. President Obama has been incredibly restrained in discussing unjustified shootings of Black men by the police. What the fuck is wrong with this moron?


Add in “Obama is directing the NHTSA to require it by 2018" and strokes will occur.

I named the last picture “Mustang stares stoically at setting sun because no pedestrians are in sight.”

Old volvo wagon driver. Can confirm blazing speeds and acceleration.

“I am not perfect. Nor are you.”

Made me about as uncomfortable as watching the Fairchild B-52 crash or the C-17 Elmendorf crash.

Now he’s a true Blue Angel.

No fair, they didn’t test the Mustang in real-world conditions.

I got quite an upper body workout resisting all the tugging of the steering wheel as I would pass people walking on the sidewalk.

But how awesome is it at running over innocent, unsuspecting bystanders on the sidewalk?

Supreme Benevolent Leader Of The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea’s Faithful and Fearless Poultry Chosen By God

The worst part....

It’s not the Olympics until a wire item from the AP details how many free condoms will be distributed to the Olympic Village.

If you walk straight out that door and take a hard left, you’ll get back to Gawker.

In 10th grade, I was bequeathed a 1990 Chevy Astro Van LT. Blue on Blue with Blue wheels. Pimp. In drivers ed, we watch a crash video of my particular van. It bends upwards violently right at the B pillar and we can all assume what happens to the driver and the steering wheel nearly touches the seat in the video.