
For more on John Cena’s thoughts, click the link below something something Auto Trader slash over-steer

Now how the fuck does the amount of time it has sat help this gentleman see it any better? What, he’s just doing laps?

That’s a great story! But I have some questions:

I keep my spare in the trunk because you never know when you’ll need to melt some steel beams.

Yeah, he should have run inside and grabbed his spare bottle of jet fuel.

As an Astra owner, I’m probably more partial to these than the average Jalop, but holy shit! Eight grand!???

It I have already seen new “French” cars here in America in the middle of nowhere Idaho. (Renault Sandero)

I think Charmin Sandiego is a better name than The Mad Pooper.

you’re really bending over backwards for some excuses.

I thought I was going to be the only one. All these people sound like dicks to me. I just rented a Citroen something or other in Italy and drove it 2800km through Italy, Austria, and Switzerland. I vacuumed and washed it before we gave it back. I wouldn’t dream of doing most of the things in here to someone else’s

This article has as many assholes on the renters’ side as it does the rental agency side.

Happened in the UK so most likely driver was on the right hand side of the vehicle, away from the lamp post; still probably very banged up.

the driver survived... BUT HOW?!?!?!?!

Then you killed my dreams.

Dad #hottake here...it’s okay to pay good money for a stroller. A $2000 Land Rover stroller is insane, but there is a significant difference in a $500 stroller and a cheapo $150 stroller. But if you are a soon to be parent, don’t let people shame you into getting the cheap one because those will pinch your fingers

Honestly, given the broad reach of Harvey and Irma, everyone pretty much everywhere should look for water damage in a used car they’re considering. These cars could easily go out of state given the sheer number of damages and the desire to get them places where people aren’t thinking about the flooding.

Dude. Not necessary.

I really didn’t need those images seared into my brain, thanks.

That’s what happens when someone forgets to lock the dieselgate.