
This girl speaks as if she is on bipolar meds..

Tuba Lube would kill to be as accomplished as Michelle Obama. All this spermburping jerk has done is be blonde and racist. 


Ya think? My God thinks the whole Trump administraion lot belong in Hell (which I don’t even believe in and neither does my God; we would an exception just for them).

Zealots of all colours are the same. They are all blinded by the beam in their eye.

I’m also deeply convinced that he is a self-loathing homosexual, and those have done enough harm already, I’d say.

If you talk to God, it’s called prayer. If Gold talks to you, it’s called psychosis.

I fear competent evil far more than incompetent evil.

I feel like he’d been saying this, and that we’ve known this, forever. He’s a true-believing dominionist; it’s one of the things he’s never really been shy about.

Pence is a Dominionist, and that makes him far more dangerous than Trump. Dominionists believe, with religious fervor, that they can deliberately bring about the End Times and the return of Jesus by making a specific set of biblical events occur which must culminate in Armageddon - the war that destroys the world. Our

Whenever a person says God is telling them to do something, my bullshit-o-meter starts reading high nines.

Pence lied under oath repeatedly. He lied about his meetings with Ambassador and spy Serge Kislyak and he pretended General Flynn had never told him about them (Flynn’s son admitted he had done it and Pence knew and insisted it was legal. That’s what got Flynn’s son indicted and is why Flynn has flipped and is telling

people with who use religion as the excuse/justification for their own shitty prejudices/ignorances/shitty-policies/shittier-actions should NEVER hold government office - or any position of power for that matter. even if their intent is good, their religious certainty gets in the way of them making rational decisions.

does it ever end well when someone says they think God wants them to be in charge?

Mike Pence is the devil incarnate.

Yes. Cult of personality is always more dangerous.

Saw it on Netflix. Actually kind of interesting as how Hitler equated bigger with better.

Not enough stars for this. The constant chaos within the Drumpf White House at least slightly limits the damage they can do, Scott Pruitt notwithstanding. President Pence (gag) would be ruthlessly efficient at imposing a Christian Taliban government where-ever possible (Limit abortion access, LGBT rights, etc.), while

That’s funny, because God told me that he wants Trump/Pence to be so thoroughly beat in 2020 that Pence retires from politics.  Maybe his God is just a reflection of him like my God is, and therefore, what our Gods want is equivalent to what we want.  Just like everyone else.

God told me that he told Pence he wants him to be president but that he was totally humoring him.  He also mentioned he was a creepy bitch.