
holy shit. Thanks for the depressing info.

when you mention it being illegal to xeriscape, are you talking about HOAs (bad enough) or... actual criminal laws?

(After all, unlike doggy style, we don’t call face-to-face human sex “porcupine style.”)“

I could write a whole book about the depth of my contempt for Derrick fucking Jensen and it still wouldn’t feel like I’d gotten it all out.

Good old NB, the banana republic of Canada.

I’m not saying there’s a connection between Britney being freed and Kinja finally letting me log in again after actual years, but it’s kind of an interesting coincidence, don’t you think?

CCP can’t force the big alliances to break up, because they can’t control what people do outside the game. Making nullsec self-sufficiency harder is one of the ways they can create a more hostile environment for the blocs.

Better give him some of your money to make up for his hurt feelings, I guess.

“All these doctors who work with dying people are dumb, listen to me, a car enthusiast!”

white women almost always vote Republican.”

He could well be speaking from the experience of how hard he had to fight to get the games made that way, though? And they were also an established series.

It’s not a meltdown -- it’s a *fundraising campaign*

He wasn’t alone; the authorities in Canada made the same flip-flop. This is a painful one. I think ultimately it may have damaged confidence in public health authorities exactly when we needed to maintain it, but there was *so much panic hoarding* at that time and there was a real possibility of not being able to

... it’s bold of you to assume I could hit the backstop!

I’m very sorry.

You don’t need to think that being a woman automatically makes a presidential candidate better, to be mad as hell that Warren isn’t going to be the nominee in large part because she’s a woman. She was the best candidate! Perhaps the problem is less that meritocracy is a bad idea and more that it has never been tried.

Wanting to make money off of Woody Allen’s memoir makes one an asshole. Why do you want to censor people pointing that out?

No, species have no goals, no telos. Even describing individual survival and reproduction as a ‘goal’ is a little bit mistaken, though it gets as pass as a ‘lies for children’ version.

It seems like they got the point okay?

I don’t really care if humanity lasts forever. I obviously would prefer we don’t go extinct over the next few hundred or thousand years, but I don’t really understand the idea that we must become immortal at any cost. Everything ends, friendo. Being a bit sore about this is natural. But getting too wrapped up in