*clears throat, arranges note cards in front of him*
Go fuck yourself.
*clears throat, arranges note cards in front of him*
Go fuck yourself.
No other model of governance has ever been tried, so who knows how it works? Probably badly.
It’s an incredible display of power that - at the same time - subverts the logic of Ren’s self-narrative. Just as Ren smashes Rey’s (already-tottering) self-told story about who she is and “how things are going to go”, Luke wins a victory over Kylo that he never could by hitting him with a “laser sword”. He shows him…
Yes, this. I don’t dislike Abrams, exactly - he’s one of those “great ideas, middling-at-best execution” types - but I’m sure not upset that someone else kicked over his sandcastle. Especially since they did so in such a stylish and logical way.
This is, at best, an unproven hypothesis. Really, it would be more accurate to say that it is a hypothesis disproven by several case examples.
If you think Carcassonne isn’t competitive you’ve never played with my family. Fields of blood, friend; fields of blood.
“beats itself up for the sins of their grandparents.”
Oh, do go on.
Did I miss a twist? She was sentenced to a custodial term of 25 years. The other kid’s being sentenced, I believe, to 40 years.
Did I miss a twist? She was sentenced to a custodial term of 25 years. The other kid’s being sentenced, I believe, to 40 years.
Hm, not sure if you’re just behind the trend on this one, or if the U.S. is behind the trend we started up here. Axe-throwing and beer has been the hip (read: clichéd) first date of choice in Toronto for like five years.
I’m keeping this open for the animated Business Cat alone.
Can confirm, grew up in Eastern Ontario and this is what it was called at school.
Short answer, yes.
I’m not necessarily against having women just take over everything at this point, but I don’t think that’s actually what’s needed as a minimum, and I think we’ve known for a long time - what’s always needed is a check on power, whether it’s rules governing civil behaviour, or rituals that gently deflate people’s egos…
So, speaking from ignorance about the American political system here, why have an appointment for one year of the two remaining years in the mandate, then have a special election, then the regular election a year later? Why wouldn’t you either have the special election immediately, or just have the appointee serve the…
It played a huge role in Spain, but in a way that more or less reinforces the point rather than refutes it, because it arguably led to a hollowing-out of the Spanish national economy that’s visible even now.
Like, he was drunk and trying to get a ride home?
I laughed and now I feel dumb.
Never *ever* grab a bear’s ears!
Wait. *goes back and reads headline again, lips visibly moving*
Yes, I agree, let’s all stop spending money on consumer goods, recreation and pleasure... and see what happens to the economy.
That’s what’s so extra-fucking-evil about this bullshit. If people *didn’t* spend money on stuff they don’t “need” this whole house of fucking cards would fall down on these greedy fuckers’…