It’s code for “Jewish”, yes.
It’s code for “Jewish”, yes.
If you can get a hold of the new (July 3) New Yorker, there’s a long read on Chechnya you should read. It’s terrifying.
Just reading the description made me want to scrub my skin with steel wool.
Ugh, she’s even worse, yes.
There’s something to this, because columnists I hate-read for being vapid morons (Canada has them too!) very occasionally come out with something reasonable and insightful.
I call it Margaret Wente’s twice-annual oxygen bath. Her brain wakes up, says something that, if not stunning original is at least thoughtful and…
I recently got dumped and decided I needed to get back into some hobby activities. I have a background in music that I’ve let slide the past few years, and some disposable income, so I bought myself a large (61-key) piano MIDI-controller. It came with Ableton Live included, their digital-studio software.
It’s really…
Nah, man, Buddhism is a real religion. I mean, there are very doctrinally-simple, atheist subgroups, but it’s got it all. Idiots. Violence. Misogyny... alongside of course many wonderful and inspiring people and ideas.
I’m pretty sure young native americans would have found the shit just as offensive in 1960 as they do today. They just didn’t have as much of a voice.
That’s where the argument for seeing things “in their historical perspective” falls apart. The “we” in “we were different back then” is itself a distorted picture.
Thank you so much for your story, I’m very grateful to have read it. It’s the kind of thing I need to read more of, these days, probably. :)
Yer my favourite. -Signed, someone in the greys
The Chaldean community as a whole, not the members of it who are undocumented.
“they need to be consumed.”
What an interesting choice of words...
*coughs* hrm. Not sure you’re thinking of the right Chavez there, chief.
So, the fact that there is no evidence is proof of the conspiracy’s existence?
Thanks for the tale, man. It’s a good one!
“While an ordinary uterus can usually be slipped out whole through the vagina...”
*begins shrieking and never stops*
Thanks for the explainer.
I’m puzzled by the direction of the unanimity (sp?) since the 12th looks substantially worse (just bizarre!) than the 1st (though the case of the 1st is also painfully obvious).
(I like parentheticals)
Ottawa’s my home town, so this is all pretty embarrassing even though I’m not all that emotionally invested in the good ol game, and old enough that I usually root for Montreal (grew up when there were no Sens).
I realize I’m probably late to the party on this one, but those are some weak-ass rhymes Keith has goin’ on there.