
What does it mean to be “statistically better” than someone?

For-profit debtor’s prisons. We’re bringing manufacturing jobs back, boys!

That argument is stupid when it applies to Muslims, too.
numero A, what makes you think they aren’t?
numero B, what makes you think they have the sovereign power to snap their fingers and make the assholes go away?

Yeah, I was raised Catholic (I’d describe myself as strong-agnostic these days, of the “the question is unanswerable” type). It was, overall, a positive experience and I think of the religious mentors of my youth fondly.

I left the Catholic church, originally for a welcoming Anglican congregation and then eventually

When in doubt, assume it’s racism.

“They will be well cared for as we deal with their parents.”

I literally shivered when I read this.

First of all, these are just recommendations. A lot of smart people make a lot of recommendations that are never followed.

Second of all, Ontario has an election coming up, and the ruling Liberal party are in the very bottom of the toilet, polls-wise. You would think that this would, therefore, be a time for boldness,

If I remember correctly (always dicey), The Beauty and the Beast is unusual in that it’s very young, for a fairy tale, and we know where it started. It was first written by an 18th-century French noblewoman.

So while most fairy tales are unsettling in their original form because they reflect the, shall we say,

*prepares witty, cynical comment*
*throws keyboard*

Maybe I misread, but my impression was that the Boeing guy was meeting with Trump when Trump made a very manly, executive decision to just go ahead and phone the general. “He appeared caught off-guard,” with reference to the CEO, seems to indicate he did not anticipate this particular burst of presidential vigor.

It might not last four years... but the ‘end’ may not be what you’re hoping for. :/

Are they getting millions of dollars in anonymous funding from foreign governments? If so, that is absolutely worthwhile journalism and we should hear about it.

“The Second Coming” is most assuredly a poem by Yeats, not Byron.

Grumpus the druid (not his birth name). Grumpus used to be a 20th level druid, the kind that can regrow lost body parts.

Grumpus got his brain sucked out by mind flayers and a mind flayer tadpole inserted into the cavity. This is supposed to result in a new adult mind flayer as the tadpole takes over.

Grumpus’ brain

“I went to Iran, and kids who were playing Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas—which I worked on—came over to me, and we started having a conversation,” said Khonsari. “Their idea is that America must be an incredible place. I asked them why, and they were like, ‘Well, because you can drive around wherever you want. You

The one with the “Infidel” sticker on it? ... what’s... what’s your interpretation of that?

I have these types of dreams sometimes as well. I’m more agnostic about what being dead is “like”, but I have a similar anxiety particularly about the idea of very sudden, catastrophic death and my inability to conceive about it “within time,” if that makes sense:

Like, all of our experiences are seen by us as they

Ensuring that everyone has to pay a price of admission keeps your movement nice and small.

Winning coalitions don’t have to trust every inch of eachother; just the bits they’ve identified as issues they can win on, together. They do not have to agree on everything. They don’t even have to think highly of eachother. They just have to identify goals they have in common, and pull together.

There’s a lot of truth to it; and I think ghostandgoblin did point out the downside to a lack of *formal* class divisions.

To paraphrase one of my old professors, who was a pretty unreconstructed Marxist anthropologist who did peasant studies in Spain: “We [in Canada] live in a class society, but it’s not a ‘class