
Well...this game just went from “looks cool, I’ll buy it on-sale” to “not touching it with a 10-foot pole”.

*Scratches out Nioh from his “Games to buy for my PS4" list, adds it to the top of his “Game to buy for my PC” list.*

Does this mean it’s gonna be harder to pose as an AFK farmer and scare the people trying to punch them to death?

“It was something that I said in the heat of the moment. I said the worst word I could possibly think of, and it just sort of slipped out...”

Existed, yes. Used by the military on standard-issue infantry weapons, no.

Or, avoiding sunburns...

Nonsense, one of them had a gun...totally justifiable...

Can’t wait to see how SovietWomble and his crew blunder their way through this...

This is definitely an insane thing to hear coming from a game publisher, but imagine the type of person that will actually spend money to do it.

Game Dev: *Removes a pristine golden statue from a briefcase* Here’s my game!

...which is obviously “Lawful Good”

Dude...read the fucking room.

Not surprised. Hard to look to the future when you’re still dealing with issues that should’ve been fixed in the past.

I am no closer to understanding what is happening here...

Or the second fan expansion that massively increased the scope of XCOM 2...

I was not expecting more XCOM 2 after they finished up with their initial slew of DLC. I am so fucking pumped for this.

Stupid sexy Mercer...

If ever there were a dev to give the “No Early Access” exception to, it’s Klei. Invisible Inc. and Don’t Starve are incredible games that both passed the test of Early Access.

Goddammit...every time PSY releases something new I always think “there’s no possible way he can keep living up to his popularity.”