
I love Pats fans. Their arguments are amazing.

I was apprehensive that New York would have some crazy dram shop statute but nah, that doesn’t really apply to the case here. The bar owner is still a jerkoff for being a cleat-chaser (skate chaser?) but even a 3rd year law student could write a brief absolving him from any liability unless there were actions inside

None of her allegations implicate SkyBar for dram shop liability. She doesn’t claim to have been incapacitated by being over-served. The allegations don’t include any misconduct at or by SkyBar. Also, in New York, the victim wouldn’t be able to hold SkyBar liable for over-serving her under the dram shop law. She was a

It's very nice that you found an environment in which you are happy, but I do wish people would stop deferring to evolution every single time. The people who write books and push the idea that humans "evolved" or "didn't evolve" to be monogamous or play football or drive a Toyota Cressida do so with very flimsy

For all the basketball he allegedly watches, and all the great minds he name drops as having had conversations with, he doesn't analyze anything. Why is Kyrie a good player other than the fact that people say he's a good player? Simmons has become a parody of himself.

Yup, these are his readers.

What I can't wrap my head around is the: my husband can't have sex because of his medical condition- except for kink that I won't do, but I totally want to have sex with my husband.

Yeah, the other thing about this as I digest it a little is, you know, we're getting a side of the story here and we're getting it from the person who initiate the change and is the one actually going out there and banging other people. They present it as something that works for them but also as something the other

This is in contrast to joining the Angels, where you get three texts asking if you know where Josh Hamilton is.

The "only way"? That's wildly inaccurate. Here are two other ways that have the benefit of actually having worked, with other, mediocre East teams:

Kara Brown. I am black. And even though it's an issue largely related to black people I think that you are cultivating the issue by alienating people that apprehend the issue relatively. I think they made great points. Most humans exercise rudimentary cognition and therefore can't understand recondite concepts but if

Understand that to others, this is very real, hits very close to home, and is not about you.

I strongly disagree. As a black man living in America, this is about ALL of us. Those of us that decry tragedy, and those of us who are oblivious. Those of us who are active in trying to change things, and those of us who are complicit in it. Let us not forget; there are white people and people of other races people

I'm literally saying the exact opposite of that. I'm not in any way asking to be congratulated, nor am I saying #notallwhitepeople. What I am saying, is that trying to stop police brutality by telling people "stop hating black people" doesn't really accomplish much when police brutality does not spring from conscious

There are plenty of ways to sue people. This is America and if you've ever turned on daytime TV you'll damn well see plenty of those people suing. Also, if it's a civil rights issue there are tons of groups to contact who will back you. You just have to smart about it.

Also, we do have it figured out. Gawker groups us

Coming from an Asian person here, if you don't get the whites on board don't even bother trying to enact any change. Honestly, if they don't get involved you're not going to get jackshit done.

Also, from this case it doesn't appear to be this way but in most of the video evidences of cops beating up minorities the

So basically, if I'm not black fuck me either way? Care about this, but don't dare think affects me in any way? Nice pitch, good luck.

It's not about you.