
I use Google Keep on ios and android (and the web). It's perfect for keeping notes/small text files. And it's free. https://keep.google.com/

Ah. That wasn't clear in your comment. I agree then - it is rare to find one "in the wild".

I have a working Tron (and Star Wars) in my home office. They aren't that rare. :)

Its from the movie Westworld

Gamestop has some good deals too today. Example: Dishonored (new, not used) XBox360 for $10

Hundreds of years of your life? How old are you? Connor MacLeod, is that you?

One of the saddest days was when I changed iPads and could not install TTL on it because the latest version of TTL only worked on iOS 6 and my iPad 1 was stuck on iOS 5. Now I can't play the game I bought and love! Argh!

Correction: Isn't it Devolver, not Devlover?

Totally agree. Afterglow wireless for x360 has lasted for years. Great product.

Is there an option to NOT have my page indexed by the search engines? I don't want someone to google my name and find my addy full of all the details on how to contact me and get to my house. I understand it's not private in the sense that if someone guesses the URL, they can view it, but I wouldn't want it searchable

The sound is fine to me plus with bluetooth I can have my phone/iPad with me on the couch and control the songs.

I don't know what a DAC is, but it sounds great to me :)

I bought a $9 Bluetooth receiver and it makes any speakers (that can handle headphone input) Bluetooth-enabled. I can hook it up to my surround sound entertainment system or to my $20 pc speakers. No need to buy special Bluetooth speakers.

Not to be "that guy" but shouldn't it be "here are" and not "here were"?

Best buy matches amazon and a bunch of other online sites - google best buy price match

Best buy matches amazon and a bunch of others online. Google best buy price match.

If it weren't for Xbox 360 demos, I would never play sports games. Every now and then I want to play hockey, basketball, or football but I'm not a serious sports gamer (I would never create a team and play through a season). When I get an urge to play some sports, I just play the demos for Madden, NHL2KX, NBA 2KX,

Soccermom, angryloser, and trolloverlord: all excellent gamer tags.

Nimbus $2.49 and Under the Ocean $2.49